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Everything posted by SPLN SUX

  1. Stock, 108... theres a simple bypass one can, and has performed so that you can run out the gears To be clear on my lil "Cops graemlins/finger.gif " I dont hate the police. Im glad we have police to stop people from doing stupid crap like i used to do. Ive been drown down on before while installing my stereo at 11pm... dumb thing to do, but i did it. I was cuffed and put in the car and all that crap. After proving my residence and them running the tags and seeing my licence and insureence card... they let me out and appoligized. I wasnt upset, they were doing thier jobs. GO TAX DOLLARS! I just think cops think they always have the upper hand... and if you count the radio, i guess they do... but in driving, cops are not at the top of the food chain like they think they are. The "autoX sluts" and "lap monkies"... i fall in there somewhere... will put a cop in his/her place in a car real quick.
  2. With all there higtech crap, i still managed to get from 275 to 270 in 46min(84miles - 109.56mph avg), AND do the 270 belt in 29min(56miles - 115.86mph avg) in the Z24. What i find amusing is how awesome cops think they are at driving. I have yet to see a cop do anything worth a lick at ANY autoX event or during any hot-lapping. Youd think the city/state would realize that the guys doing these sports are the ones who will end the perfect streak on Americas Wildest Police Chases. Cops graemlins/finger.gif
  3. BOTTOM LINE: IF YOU'RE NOT BREAKING PARTS, YOU'RE NOT MAKING ENOUGH POWER! graemlins/nod.gifgraemlins/nod.gifgraemlins/nod.gif
  4. I put it in my sig because my builds are done proper, and cost in the 10's of thousands of dollars. This usually means it may take me a year or so to finish a project. I guess i could put "work in progress" but because im taking what used to be a street drivin, and making it into a track car... under construction seems a lil more suitable to me. Now if youre more pointed towards the guys stock piling paychecks so they can save up for that VielSide body kit and leave it unpainted for 9 months... then i agree with your rant. But all in all, if its not my car, graemlins/gives.gif This is the kind of work i do.... http://www.mrmeanrracing.com/pics/battle0903.jpg
  5. hey me too I used to race alcohol powered RC trucks, boats and planes in my younger years so i got a lot of tuning time in with those. Never realy messed with a 4 stroker though.
  6. Well if you ever roll with me, and see me looking out my sunroof and windows all crazy like... theres a bird in the sky. BTW -- one bird has the ability to get not 1, not 2, but 4 cars at one time. First time i was nailed like that, they got four of s tearing it up. About a mile up the road, 4 troopers got us. Two pointed down, the other two run down. 88 in a 55... construction zone... $268 SHP graemlins/nutkick.gif Schall I lost that time.
  7. i lied, im not wearing my event staff shirt... white Corona shirt
  8. The two free issue offer ended on November 15th. too late
  9. maybe its just me, or just the fact that my cars are slow smile.gif , but trails has had better grip for me than anywhere else ive been. I mean, after the first 50 or 60 feet traction isnt really an issue for me but the line there has always been sticky.
  10. In my defence... well i dont have any. I cant spell worth a lick... common knowledge to those that know me well. Secondly, i dont really know much about 4 stroke carbs so i probably shouldnt have commented. My sincerist appologies. If you wan't too run the Z24... it has two bee on a track somewhere. I dont dew street racing much anymore. But sure, win wear BOTH done, i wouldnt mind a couple laps or passes, witch ever yew perfer. (All spelling errors were in fact intentional) graemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/finger.gif
  11. yea my Z24 is a cast crank... and as far as i know, im the only person to ever break one smile.gif Go me graemlins/thumb.gif Theres guys making a hair over 400whp on cryo treated cast cranks so they arent like tooth picks. One of the strongest stock cranks you can get actully.
  12. Its that night of the week again. Western Lanes @ corner of Sullivant Ave & Georgesville Rd. Starts @10pm, ends @2am... only cost 9$. Ill be wearing my event staff shirt again graemlins/nod.gif
  13. i wonder how light they are...
  14. Been nailed like that 3 times. EASY WAY TO AVOID AIR CLOCKING!!!! On the road youll see random white hash marks on the shoulders. These are exatly 1/4mile apart (tee hee ) and there are 5 sets... or one measured mile. Using some sort of photoclocking system, they clock you by how long it takes you to cross each set of marks, then average them all to get a "fair" reading. If you see these hash marks, SLOW DOWN!
  15. wow... a single barrel with N2O... sure hope that looks are decieving.
  16. i bet it only needs about 200hp to run those ET's. Good example of how power to weight will always prevail graemlins/thumb.gif
  17. i worked... AGAIN graemlins/bsflag.gif I did get to meet Derrick on Monday night though so that was cool. More people need to show up on bowling night graemlins/thumb.gif
  18. maybe i should run the scort.... what time is this?
  19. SPLN SUX

    Monday 11/22

    BOWLING NIGHT! Western Lanes @ corner of Sullivant & Georgesville Rd. 9$ from 10pm-2am -- all you can bowl. Me and my guys should be there (usually lane 6 or 7) Ill have a dark blue shirt on that says "EVENT STAFF" on the back in yellow
  20. Yes and LET IT SET! It has to cure for at least 6 hrs for it to seal properly and stay flexable.
  21. SPLN SUX

    O-S Who?

    yea those 82 yrd punt returns suck dont they. graemlins/finger.gif
  22. SPLN SUX


    Gameover... FLIP, FLIP, FLIP!
  23. dude, its not just a bearing, its a whole hub assymbly. You dont even have to press it... already done. It comes with a lil baggy of parts but i could never figure out why they were in there. If you need help putting it on, let me know... im a pro at just about all things J-body
  24. SPLN SUX

    nov 19th

    i just got home from work...
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