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Everything posted by nization

  1. Just read the thread, looks like I'm a little late here, but I wish you the best anyway man. I'll look ya up when you're out, maybe prior.
  2. Looks like you got the hook up already, but I'll add to it as well. I've got a 1000 ft. spool and a crimper. Just get the ends, and I'll set it up for ya free.
  3. Yes, it's a great plan. And I was honestly worried I'd lose a lot of coverage when I switched from Sprint, which was great on service area untill you go underground...(what cell phone can do that anyway?) Service area and customer service are both great with these guys, and we have DJ looking over our accounts first, should anything happen. Seriously, if you need a phone, or more minutes and are out of contract, chat with DJ about it this month.
  4. EDIT: Miles, please start your own thread. Thanks smile.gif ~Anthony [ 01. May 2005, 11:58 PM: Message edited by: Mister Formula, Esq. ]
  5. nization

    fs 90 integra ls

    How many miles are on the car? What sort of gas mileage does it get? I might have around $1000 to offer. If that's worth it to you, lemme know in a PM or email.
  6. Still have them. PM me if you're interested in checking them out, that way I'll recieve an email right away...
  7. A freind of mine just asked me the other day if I'd like to purchase his riding lawn mower....it's in great shape. Was either a '95, or "5 years old"....canot remember what he told me....but I know "5" was involve....that's not much help, is it?... anyway, I'll see what he wants for it... he told me about a few things for sale, and it was either $800, or $2000...Sorry, I am really not helping too specifically here, am I?... But I'll get it strait for ya and get back here. Gimme a call if you're super-interested, and I should be able to get you the facts over the phone right away.
  8. nization

    Terri Schiavo

    Indeed.... Though, everytime someone posts here, it only brings the topic back to the top.... tongue.gif
  9. heh heh, yes, the "go go go" part is certainly the greatest. Wonder if it might have lasted longer, however, had they just set it simply to "100mph" as it would normally be displayed....
  10. True dat. It was certainly an interesting little adventure. I enjoyed it, except the extended hours of driving I did, but that was mostly my decision as I wanted to get back promptly... Everytime I got out to fill-up, I was looking at it, and thinking more about lookin' for one myself.... We'll just have to wait and see, however....I gotta move at least half my current fleet before I can think about trading up to a "meaner machine"
  11. If y'all are so anxious to do V8 swaps, buy my FC chassis and drop one in there. It won't break my heart.
  12. Last time I asked for one, they had print-outs of them. It might have been a lazy employee, or they did not understand you wanted a print out...perhaps they were simply out of them, and that person didn't know howto print a new one for ya, etc.... Unfortunatly, I no longer have the print-out, however....
  13. This one's in excellent condition. I no longer have my means of aquiring tires so easily, so it's doubtful that I'll get a second one. The tread depth is 6-8/32 on this one, BTW. I believe the car it came from just had two of these and blew one, then replaced all four tires. Make me an offer.
  14. Derick's sorta right. I would not say these tires are "horrid" in the snow, despite what tirerack rates them at. Though, they are not snow tires by any means either. I drove on potenza's in my 626 last winter and was just fine. I was able to slide around all I wanted, and control it very well, and when there was traffic, and other such obsicals, I had traction enough to stay put. Don't know that the same expirience would be had on a heavy, RWD Mustaing in the snow, but they're pretty good all around tires, nothing spectacular. I mean, they're all-seasons, after all. as far as what 'decent' means, I just checked the tread depths of them, and two are at 4/32 and two are at 6/32. They're used tires, taking up space in my livving room ATM. $50 obo. Just wanna have them out of my way.
  15. I sent ya PM when I first posted here...Did ya get that?
  16. nization

    WTS Gamecube

    Would you sell just the smash bros. game for $10?
  17. Well, ATM, I do not have a use for the rims...but I may have your tires for the 15" rims: http://www.columbusracing.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=24;t=001658
  18. Groovy. I emailed you some pics just now and my phone number. Oh, I live in Westerville, BTW....as I just noticed, we're both in westerville, accourding to our member info all the easier.
  19. What's the viewable on these? I take it they both work fine, clear picture, and no screen burn? focus is okay too? If all is well, I'll take one.
  20. That's excactly what the officer at my concealed carry class said. "dead men can't sue"...except the part about hidding boddies....I would not recommend that... Jesse's absolutly right, however, you cannot legally protect property with deadly force. If the theif is armed, that's different, even if it's a knife.
  21. nization

    Picture Test

    testing my avatar here. hope y'all don't mind.
  22. What time will this begin? Unfortunatly, I have to work that evening, but might be able to get off earlier than close....
  23. Seriously, where'd you see this price, man?
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