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T Rex

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Everything posted by T Rex

  1. That picture is from an interview he did with Bill Gates. It was actually a really good interview. Although Bill Gates reminded me Steven Hawking the entire time.
  2. My Dad would tell you that spanking myself, my brother and sister did nothing to change how we handled ourselves. I disagree to an extent. For myself, I knew what I could get away with and what I couldn't. I knew if I did this there would be an ass whopping waiting for me at home... Did I do it? If I wanted something bad enough I would. I will say that my brother will back talk my father way more than I ever would/will and he got spanked one maybe two times? I can't even count how many times he spanked me (not that I didn't deserved the punishment). Its all about having the child understand that there will be consequences for actions and understanding what they are AND accepting them. Edit: Id love to hear Johnny Bravo comment on this stuff. IIRC this is one of his major focuses in his field.
  3. Jiu Jitsu is more real world fighting then you can imagine. I would take a guess that around 70-80% of fights end up on the ground. Jiu Jitsu teaches you how to handle yourself and your opponent on the ground (or get them there). *Most* Jiu Jitsu teachers will offer gi and no-gi training. No-Gi is what you want its cheaper (Jiu Jitsu Gi's are fucking expensive) and more real world self defense. There is a reason why the majority *good* MMA guys spend so much time training in Jiu Jitsu. UFC 1? wha? http://www.dudubarrosjj.com/ Its up North but Ive heard him talk about different places in Columbus to train. He is a bad ass, 140 lbs of whoop ass.
  4. T Rex

    Pranks Today?

    My girlfriend left a positive pregnancy test in the trash can in her mothers bathroom for her to find. When I got over to her house there was another one in the trash can in the kitchen... Turns out her mom had the same idea she did... Women are awful!
  5. Wait... so Tinman is Patrick Swayze's father?! OMG!!! It all makes sense!
  6. because... its... SNOWMAGGEDON!!! aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
  7. If I may say a few things on the subject of the type of insulation. I would stay away from Cellulose especially in the walls. While it is "green," it is still treated with chemicals that are not. Unfortunately, once these chemicals degrade or worse, wash off it is simply paper. Paper is actually a source of food/shelter for small animals and insects. I personally use and recommend blown in fiberglass insulation. It is completely inert and in 20 years it will still be fiberglass insulation, still doing the same job and just as well as the first day it was installed.
  8. It sucks living the life a T Rex. :/
  9. Dunno but if they put some z3 fenders on that thing it would be tits!
  10. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/06/01/090601fa_fact_gawande?currentPage=all Crazy long read but really does a good job of putting factual information out there.
  11. anthonyrex@gmail.com if anyone has one. Thanks!
  12. I'm assuming the eclipse unit would fit in a '99 Jimmy with a stock double din already (not a stock double din!)? Do you mind shipping to 44221? I can paypal you the money or whatever else works for you. Let me know! Thanks! Maybe not so easy...
  13. You guys never had under-roos?! Superman all the way!
  14. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c86_1257751566 Sadly, I owned two out of the ten on this list. :x
  15. Soap stone is my favorite. But I have wanted to do concrete counter tops in my kitchen for a long time now. Ken, I have no doubt you have the brain and patience to do something like this. To me, it does not seem that hard to do. The thing that I like about something like this project is that you can do so many things with it. Buy blue or green glass bottles, smash them up and put them in the top of the concrete. Ive seen people put aluminum pieces in there and that looked pretty bad ass. There is just so much custom things you can do with it. If I didn't live so far away I would try to help you.
  16. What did Tim say when he hit a big concrete wall? Damn! I string walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a beer. The bartender tells the string that they do not serve strings there. The string walks into the bar the next day and again asks for a beer and again the bartender tells the string they do not serve strings. The next day comes and the string really wants a beer, so he ties himself into a knot and messes up his hair, walks into the bar and asks the bartender for a beer. The bartender asks "Are you that string that keeps coming in here asking for a beer?" The string replies " 'Fraid not!" Ha!
  17. I bought a dell xps m1210. I don't believe they make them anymore but the xps 13 looks pretty decent. The m1210 is pretty awesome. I have had nothing but great things to say about this computer. If you can get a refurb from the outlet store do it up.
  18. I tied a potato to my crotch. I was a dictator. Ha!
  19. As you quoted me as saying... Some bikers give others a bad name. I was only taking information from what Anthony posted. My bad for not reading more of the article.
  20. I have a big problem with saying that because the motorcycle was disentegrated that he was traveling at a high rate of speed. Don't most bikes (and cars for that matter) crumble like paper to take the impact so the driver/passengers do not? Sometimes I think people use that as an excuse when they pull out in front of bikes and injure/kill riders. "Welp that bike sure sounded like it was going fast!" Although some bikers give others bad names as well... Who really knows?!
  21. As long as HKS is scribed somewhere on there, Im good with it.
  22. Honestly, suffering through this with my x-wife, there is usually an underlying issue. Hers was pot, mine was the fact she turned me down so much that I just didn't want her anymore. That being said I feel the best way to try and get it back would be to reminisce with her about a time you guys had together that was hot and raw. Get a babysitter for the night, maybe grandparents? and get a hotel room. Get her some sexy lingere and TRY and be romantic the best you can. About blow jobs... Have you told her (and i mean flat out told her) that you prefer blow jobs over sex? That means sit her down and tell her you want your dick sucked vs banging her (sometimes). Be prepared for her saying things like "Im a lady etc etc." Thats when you say something to the affect that you understand that but as odd as it sounds it means a lot to you and the relationship. Also be prepared to compromise on the issue, you may have to give something up. As gay as it sounds, listen to her needs as well. Maybe there is something you are not doing for her that makes her not feel sexy, therefore creating a not-so-sexual atmosphere. Not that I am a woman expert at all (Read: I am divorced) but the no sex subject is something I am very familiar with. My girlfriend at the moment will usually blow me 4-5 times a week BECAUSE I told her that I am a very sexual person and I prefer recieving them over sex (generally). In exhange I try to be as romantic as possible as often as possible.
  23. My spoons to big.... My spoon, is to big! My spoons to big. :/
  24. http://windowsxp.mvps.org/XPClean.htm Should work for Vista too.
  25. T Rex

    Post your pets

    NVM... cant host these pics properly yet.
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