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T Rex

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Everything posted by T Rex

  1. Timing is all wrong. :/ If it were spring and I had my tax money I would snatch it up in a heartbeat! Bump for a nice looking buggy!
  2. No, the temp gauge reads 195 steady. The owners manual says that it should be a 15psi radiator cap and the one on there is a 16... does it matter that much? I should probably replace it anyway though.
  3. First, I have never had heat in the Jimmy since I've owned it, something Ive been meaning to fix. At school a week ago my temp gauge climbed up to max temp so I kicked on the heat (to see if it would work at all) and it DID! I couldn't believe it. I went to Napa and bought some stuff with dex-cool in it and put it as soon as I got home. When I opened the radiator cap there was almost a 1/4 inch of gunk stuck to the bottom of the cap. I cleaned it off well and filled it up with the dexcool. Turned the car back on and no heat. :/ So, after reading lots and lots of issues with Jimmys/Blazers and no heat I decided to flush the radiator fluid and put in some regular antifreeze and get rid of the nasty dex-cool (Its probably the stock fluid, yikes, only saving grace is the truck only has 65k on it). Anyway, I flushed it and got LOTS of crap out but still no heat. I searched some more and found that if I need to get the car hot and feel the two hoses that go to the heatercore, well Im not 100% sure if it was because they both sit right above the engine or if there was warm coolant flowing through the lines but they felt warm. I should also note that when I squeezed the lines it felt like there was stuff cracking in there :/. My next step is to take the left hose (return hose I believe) off and run water from my garden hose backwards through the heatercore to see if there is a clog somewhere. I need to burp the coolant system too... forgot about that. Oil is brand new and full. Also, Im VERY confused that I had heat when I had low coolant. What explains that? Searching on google didn't come up with anything worthwhile.\ Any other suggestions? Sorry for the long read!
  4. Maybe I am the only one but these things remind me of snuggies for the face.
  5. http://www.slightlywarped.com/crapfactory/curiosities/images/oldest1.jpg
  6. Or a camera that takes thousands of pictures in a few seconds. I'd be willing to put money that they used a mounted gun that they could aim within a MM of their target. Just to get those pictures would be insane anyway.
  7. Although I am certainly no expert like Jake, I did do my own paver patio. I will say that renting the compactor is the way to go. You will kill yourself trying to tamp all that stuff properly with a hand tamper. I did 6" of gravel with 1" of sand on top (Get paver sand not masonry sand like I did). The reason I did 6" of gravel is because I live a bit further north and it really does get colder here (Close to Cleveland) than in Columbus and you can get, what I believe the professionals call, "Heave" (sp?) where the bricks will push out and up and every direction when it gets cold then warm and cycles. Without the proper base you will have more of that (I may be wrong here but that is I thought I remember reading, Jake will probably tell us something different ). Edit: Also, try to tamp your gravel every two inches in depth. IE put two inches down, tamp, another two inches tamp, etc etc. I did not tamp the sand, I don't remember seeing anywhere saying you should.
  8. Good Night, and Good Luck. I really liked this movie. Its produced by George Clooney its about Edward R Murrow and his battle with the government and his words with Senator McCarthy. Its in black and white and features actual footage of Senator McCarthy. This movie is VERY biased in Murrows favor and doesn't really do McCarthy's fight against Communism justice, even though he was a loon.
  9. T Rex

    Arby's 5 for $5

    Horseradish sauce... it burns the back of your nostrils as it goes down... I hate the stuff. Three pepper sauce is the slam. My store doesn't have it though. :/
  10. T Rex

    Arby's 5 for $5

    Riverside and Fishinger? That is a corprate store. The *only* thing I can think of that he wouldn't do that over there is because he is an operating partner, kind of like a franchise. Regardless he should have to run the special just like everyone else. Unless he has moved on in the last 5 months or so I know the GM there personally. I am suprised he wouldn't, esp since we are doing "red hat service." Go in or in the dt and ask for a manager if they deny you 5 for $5. Seriously... if there was ever a time to get a good deal at Arby's, its now. We are REALLY REALLY REALLY trying to give great service. Our motto is "Say yes to the customer."
  11. T Rex

    Arby's 5 for $5

    The 5 for $5 will be around until the end of this month, at least. After that it will be a weekend only promotion. I bet if you walked into any of those Arbys and asked for 5 regulars for $5 they will give it to you. Just tell them you LOVE to do the survey on the back of the receipt, which you get a free regular or beef'n cheddar for doing the survey. We are REALLY trying to push great customer service in our stores and this is just one way to do it. Say something like "I thought you were always supposed to say yes to customers." All the stores in Columbus, minus the Arbys right off 270 and Route 3 and I think there are two in Hillard, are all corprate stores. I have worked at the one on Maxtown Rd, opened the one on Sawmill Rd and worked down in Obetz for awhile.
  12. I figured there would be a "Its 12:23 and Michigan still sucks" thrown in there.
  13. Thank you for your service and bring yourself home!
  14. Andy, My girlfriends mother wears scarves whenever she doesn't wear a wig. They actually work very well. The only problem is when someone asks if you are having a bad hair day. :/ We are rooting/praying for you guys up north! You seem like you both are in good spirits, keep that up! A positive attitude goes such a long way! Maybe overstepping my bounds here but... Have you looked into things to help Chemo/Radiation treatments? This anti-viral called Protocel is something you may want to try. Its expensive but my girlfriends mom swears up and down it saved her life.
  15. Thats totally Sam's old stripper pole, damn this economy. Making men sell their favorite things in the world. Damn you!
  16. Didn't realize you had a family. The way I took your post it was just you. That is very reasonable then. When I was married my health insurance was double. I would pay 180 dollars a month for two people and that was through work!
  17. Im up near cleveland unfortunatly, otherwise I would be there tomorrow to have it cut out of the computer. Wouldn't I need a special key cut?
  18. I need to get rid of this POS passlock. It wont let me start the truck for 10 minutes at least 2 times a week. Sometimes the light will kick on while I am driving anyway. Is there any fixes out there for this? I don't care if the security light stays on all the time or anything. I just want to be able to start my car without having to stress about it.
  19. I pay about 4000 in all my insurance. Sadly, until we can stop with these stupid mal-practice suites and have some form of health care for everyone our health insurance will NEVER go down. Edit: You need another insurance company if you are paying that much for insurance for everything. Unless you have some crazy ass tickets, a huge house or something that you haven't stated yet. Take out me Health Insurance and I pay 1200 a year in other insurance, 700 a for my home owners (which covers up to 250,000 even though my house is only worth 100,000) and 500 for my '99 Jimmy with full coverage.
  20. Thats 3 pages!!! Jebus!
  21. you mean "That was grape."
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZztlOiOjo8E Kinda old but I love his style.
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