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T Rex

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Everything posted by T Rex

  1. No way. He either has a 1.8l or 2.0l (practically the same engine) that are derived from the Miata engines. Stock those things will go 200k w/ no serious problems.
  2. http://www.bevnet.com/reviews/boylans/ This can be had at most grocery stores... it is amazing.
  3. I will have a dog just like Sherman one day... Great pics!
  4. You need to start watching Lebron, total package.
  5. What kind of dog is that? I really want to get one . She/He is beautiful!
  6. T Rex

    Long lost...

    Did you ever get your flaming exhaust working better? Last I saw you where rocking a Merc? Hope all is well with ya man!
  7. I wonder how many people actually know the lyrics to Born in the USA... IMO, Bruce is hands down one of the best song writers of all time. His imagery and how he plays on words is amazing. "Strap your hands around my engines..."
  8. My workout not consists of pullups, pushups and situps. No school gym to use sucks cause im poor.
  9. I understand that this styling has worked longer than any other car but damnit I would love to see something else from Porsche. I don't know if I could tell the difference between the last 3 generations of them. Guess im just not a huge fan of them in general.
  10. T Rex


    I bet if you put them both together and drew a line down the middle you would almost get the truth. Unfortunatly that is the way our country works, we need extremist on both sides to find a "happy" medium.
  11. Cause all major schools in the NCAA endorse fraud!
  12. Not to be an ass but I think Obama may be one of the most liberal Presidents the USA has ever elected, JFK might be up there (Dunno wasn't alive then).
  13. I was wondering how many people where watching Obama and family go through the white house rolling their eyes saying "There goes the neighborhood!"
  14. I cant afford either one of those cars .
  15. I just need the 4k to buy one of these or the GTP... I am so torn. Edit: Make that 16k... Why have I never seen this car?! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cars-Trucks___T5-6SPD-TRIM-PKG-XENONS-17s-CD-WRNTY-WHOLESALE_W0QQitemZ250358174102QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item250358174102&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A7%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
  16. I was reading in the GTP thread about how decent these cars were for the price. I started looking at some GTP's thinking about what other cars would be fun to own on the semi-cheap. It seems like you can find lots of Turbo Volvo's for less than 4000, they have an average of 150k miles though. Anyone with decent experince with these know if thats worth it? I actually like the way these cars look. If I could buy one right now it would be a 95 850 Turbo Wagon.
  17. Notice how he grabs the hair ever so slightly THEN yanks the bitches head up... two very big thumbs up.
  18. Maybe they need to be more creative with spending?! There was nothing in there about how they were going to correct over spending on stupid shit... Not trying to find the lowest bids on repairs or new highways etc..
  19. I miss the shoutboxes.... I use to tell people all about my nipples in those things.
  20. How is that 300 win every other race by like a bus length after loosing by just a touch the race before?
  21. So sorry for your loss. I hope I have your outlook on this situation when something like this happens. Beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing.
  22. I kind of want the Lions to pick up Tibo... I think he could actually be the spirit that team needs to win... a game.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhSG_Q8tKYY
  24. Welcome to the board. I lived in S. Charleston for awhile and graduated from George Washington HS.
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