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T Rex

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Everything posted by T Rex

  1. I have an older XPS M1210... its pretty bad ass. Use to play TF2 all the time on it. Its a 12.1" screen though, think you were looking for 13. Check out the dell outlet you can find some pretty nasty deals and still get the standard warranty.
  2. T Rex


    You cant read my poker face...
  3. http://www.seriouswheels.com/pics-stuv/Ultima-GTR-Side-Stones-1600x1200.jpg /Thread
  4. Not saying you are a football fan but its not like its any different there.
  5. Tall Fescue with RTF is the way to go for sun/shade mix. Red Fescue is to fine for dogs in my opinion and doesn't do to well in sun. I don't like kentucky blue very much because the roots do not go very far down into the soil. Tall Fescue grass generally makes roots about a foot deep. Its also what is used on most football fiels.
  6. I am not saying this is you or anyone else in this thread, you have said you are more than willing to work with teachers and have done so (ie partnership). But I have to say that some families put way to much pressure and responsiblity on the teacher. They never once help their son or daughter with their school work because its "the teachers job." It seems to always be the teachers fault and never the childs. Again, I am not saying that the people here do not hold their children accountable but I think its a shame that teachers take so much bull shit when, in fact, the child could give two shits and its their own fault. Sorry to go off topic.
  7. Can we still have Angelina and Vin in there though? Otherwise I give this movie two thumbs up already!
  8. Im going to have to agree... Even the same wheels but bigger. There is just to much tire there.
  9. Walmart sells LED lights (that replace bulbs) at a really decent price.
  10. The Two Towers Return of the King The Goblet of Fire The Wrath of Kahn The Final Frontier
  11. Bush was the one who deregulated the majority of bank loans... his administraion allowed sub-prime lenders to leverage 1000 dollars in equity to 300000 lent out...
  12. If the guy has any food management experince and you can vouch for him I may be able to get him something.
  13. That race was pretty bad ass too.
  14. Ive worked for Arbys for almost 6 years now. I get food for free too. If anyone is up by Stow, OH I'll be glad to hook you up.
  15. T Rex


    http://www.free-sex-for-you.com/xnxx/celeb1040/pics/shannen_doherty_01.jpg In her prime... yes please... http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_9v1b6SZfjVA/RfPSv3oc3SI/AAAAAAAAAcw/iB4nRsgTA5I/s400/JENNI.jpg boobs...
  16. Damnit! I was hoping for a picture of a penis drawn in a dusty, for sale, black thunderbird...
  17. T Rex

    Aspirin vs. Mary Jane

    Pot was a HUGE part in my divorce. Over the 3+ years we were married she smoked more pot than I care to remember, so I decided it was time to move on.
  18. T Rex

    workers comp

    They will probably say take this or walk. They did that to all the Accountants at Arbys.
  19. Rofl... is that guy rolling a blunt in the background? Nice vid!
  20. T Rex

    DOW below 7k

    Some of you people are the same people that blame Clinton for this bubble. When in fact it was Bush's policies and deregulation that lead to a lot of this credit mess. Some of you people are the same people that say the same damn thing everytime we had a democrate in power... "We are only doing so well because the republican in office before did such a great job with the ecomomy." And you are giving this man 2 months to fix a problem that has been built up for the last 8-10 years? Please explain how THIS administration promotes class warfare anymore than our last pathetic excuse of a president did?! Change IS happening and its not about the "bailouts" or taxcuts, its going to take hard work and time to fix our problems. Wait... didn't Obama say that? Yup he did... I cannot believe you guys still stick up for a man and administration that has lied to us all time and time and time and time again. That is pathetic.
  21. No way is school food great food. That shit is fucking HORRIBLE, not taste wise but health wise. I went to Olentangy HS and their food was CRAZY expensive for the shit that it was. West Virginia had a better school lunch program. That being said, a grilled cheese sandwich, apple and a milk is just about a million times better for a child then 90% of the shit that schools put on their plate. Im torn here, I don't feel the child should be singled out by given a "special" meal but at the same time they need to understand that things don't just magically appear for them and it takes work for it... Parents need to stop placing blame on the schools for their lack of decent parenting. Its your own fucking fault... now fix it.
  22. You would think the apple jokes would get old after awhile... Nope they didn't... hahaha
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