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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. ou can get kicked out of sea world for blowin seals
  2. youll never see anythign like that out of pizza hut or some other crappy big chain
  3. actually the holiday isnt made up by hallmark it was made up for orphans in the 1800's
  4. was just at lodge bar and that was a blast some of the guys on here were their
  5. i was there filling my bottle when they were "closed" moving stuff around i was dumb enough to just walk in and not read a sign but cory and everyone just jumped at it i had a FULL 10 lb bottle its the only place ill be filling up
  6. why pimp out a work truck?, just do the functional things like a radio and stuff like that,
  7. yeah you sure are doing your greater good by complaining about 8 year old girls on the bus giving you the bird. I am sure you were doing a lot worse of things when you were young nick. I know I was, and you know what contrary to the lephrucan I am not the downfall to western civilization, well at least not for that kinda stuff. Those were two little girls probably having fun cause they thought they were doing something "bad". So just go chill and remember that we street race on public roads ps my kids are going to beat your kids up(for real) Adam posting
  8. your not cool josh you stick like ape
  9. NTHER91


    cr will always have this mentality until people grow up and just leave one another alone
  10. pulling your credit so soon to closing is never a good idea and the 0% duration is based on your credit so dont be stunned if it comes back with only 6 months
  11. why dont people stop trying to raise other peoples kids and work on thier own, that is the way to make sure that they grow up right.
  12. my spec stage 3 holds over 500 ft lbs every night im out
  13. NTHER91


    elderbrock???? does hat mena we race on the skreet and skrip and shop a JAGS which is ownd by the cooligains
  14. NTHER91

    new ?

    repost if not fuck ya nws for lang http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJEyaUE_0yY&mode=related&search=
  15. its true shawn you can ride lol nice runs
  16. NTHER91

    here u go

    um it has been stated many times that people can join the site, follow the rules, and they can just be on here to sell shit. ive read threads where Ant has ok'd this. Why dosnt everyone get off the high horse. I mean it is public, if you guys want to start something and decide who gets to be on it then why dont you start umm a private site ! brian you do alot for the site so i read thats great, lots of people dont they are just friends of one of you "SUPERMODS" or someone thats is "cool", so they are aloud. I mean what about all the sponsers if this guy sends in his info and pays then he can sell anything he wants on here , right? What about all the trolls on here that post once in a blue moon. Linn when you first came on here everyone hated you cuz "wanna race" but then people got to know you and WTF your not a bad guy at all. this kid might be a real yam bag but for fucks sake give the kid a chance , you all go after this newb like your some high society club saying basically columbus racing is a buch of jerks and dont want new members unless you fit the mold Why isnt the classroom in the kitchen? unless your a girl on here or type a rough draft of your life to post in the classromm your deemed a tool alot of you guys who umm dont RACE or just get on here to talk shit or just make your post count higher are just as bad as ths kid that wants to sell something. All im saying is that if you want CR to grow maybe you should lighten up and let in some new people i mean this kid might own a 4 sec civic that loves to race but how will we ever know cuz now he and at least 4 of his friends think that CR is full of assholes and losers which its not full of them, some yes, and i feel they are the ones that cause this rep maybe, the mods should start moderating them. \rant
  17. that plane has shit all over the window
  18. dyslexia??? nope next time spell check the word before you try to make fun it totally ruined it for me
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