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Everything posted by Conesmasher

  1. It's worth its weight for $500, but do you have the resources to get what you want out of it?
  2. Try applying peanut butter to the affected area, let it sit for a while and wipe off.
  3. I actually had Karen D'arbenville as a speech instructor for my CSCC speech class. I was doing ok, I had a high B........until I forgot to do the final project....which included myself making a videotape of my speech, then giving the same speech to the class. It was highly stressed that I could not pass the class if I did not do the final project. During the final class, being clueless and busy, I went to class not having done the final project. As soon as I realized that it was the final class, I stood up and walked out......figuring I was destined for failure (no biggie, I'll take it next quarter) I got a C. Karen is a pretty harsh individual, though I never quite found her as rude as you do. You can complain as much as you want, but your comments will most likely to fall upon deaf ears. CSCC is much more interested in your money then your education and doesn't listen to their students, let alone their professors. I found CSCC to be a mediocre at best school. I found my finance classes truly valuable and built a great base for my finance background. Other classes however were truly worthless and quite honestly, not worth the money spent. Franklin University has opened my eyes a bit. They have great programs there and though I haven't learned as much in the finance sector, I have been able to explore much more the value of leadership and exploring the uncertainty that it entails. Truly insightful experience so far, only a few weeks left.
  4. To the consumer or to GM as a business?
  5. Once China begins to devalue it's Yuan compared to the American dollar, things will begin to change. It will all come to a head, just like any pimple, it's just a matter of time before it pops.
  6. I make 33% less than the average American worker, I love being a bottom feeder!!
  7. The biggest problem with the GTO is the fact that there was no model differentiation. If you think about the Camaro/Mustang, they all have base model V6's, which allow those who want the look of a "sports" car, but not necessarily the speed or the price. Bottom line is, if you removed all V6 Mustangs in the world......they sure as hell wouldn't sell that many, same went for Camaro's. The GTO was targeted toward a select market segment, and not to mainstream America. Sure there was a chance to revitalize an old name, instead they attempted to utilize the popularity of a name, with out producing a popular model(ie v6). Just a small thought to chew on.
  8. Awesome idea, wish I had the time to take care of myself.
  9. http://www.autonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060221/REG/60221009/1003&refsect= thoughts?
  10. I would be very disturbed. So much disturbed in fact that I would either A. Break off the relationshiip or B. Tell him he needs to return the car. I truly believe that cars are extensions of peoples personalities. You go to work in it, people see you in it, you learn how to cradle a bottle of Jack so that it won't spill when your whipping around the corners. There is emotion to purchasing a car and not just financially. Miss Type S, I have spoken with you on a couple of different times in person, and I find your personality to be very independent. This "guy" is riding your sack of independence. If you like co-dependent people, then this is the right guy for you. I can understand your position, and I would personally take it much farther than it needs to go, but overall it is "just a car". If you think of your RSX as just another car you could have bought, then you are on the right boat. If you think of your RSX as much more than "just a car", then this guy should have a hell of alot more respect than to do something of this nature.
  11. Not your average post here in Pics and Vids, but I figured, why the hell not. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/walmart/view/
  12. Progress: Because falling on your face, is still moving forward
  13. If Bush lied........wouldn't he be impeached by now?
  14. Taxes are a very fubared type of situation right now. To tell you the truth, I haven't contributed to federal taxes for the last 8 years of my life, and that is saying alot, since I have only been in the work force for 8 years. Every year I get more back, than I pay in. I can't help that, I am just taking advantage of what is available to me. The biggest problem to me is the fact that the largest portion of the population is moving through their "highest" wages of their life aka baby boomers. All the while taxes are at their lowest ever. Instead of taking a look at how to fix the situation for years in the future, we are trying to stop leaks in the system now, which prevents us from having a broad outlook on what is to come. Social security is what really rattles my bones, because it has been abused, misused, and is supposed to be money that is payed into the system......but ultimately is used as a portion of the federal budget, instead of socking it away for retirees. Capitalism is usually coined as a free enterprise system, and from my point of view, it is dog-eat-dog. Stupid people are the brunt of the joke, and people who have been out thought. Intellegence wins, whether you like it or not. If this guy can take $20 from you because he out thought you, he's going to do it, just as Sam Walton. Globalism is either going to fuck Americans to hell, or bring them to be around average. What is happening is the playing field is being leveled, Americans no longer have the production advantage they had before, other countries are growing faster. As an American, I feel that it is best to understand where the world is heading, and prepare yourself for the opportunities that lie ahead. Don't focus on the shitty times that we all could face, rather the things that you can set in place now, to make your life a better place. The biggest problems with Americans is the fact that #1 We can't even take care of ourselves. We are fucking pathetic(as a whole). We spend too much, we eat too much, and most of all we fuck ourselves too much. We are consumed by our own greed to reach a status in which we are greater than our neighbor. Where is John Kennedy spirit today, talking about, "What you can do for your country". Too many people want to know what the government is going to do for us. My main point is that too many people bitch about the fact that their country is doing them no good, when they are really doing no good for themselves, or their country. National debt. Where else in the world can someone borrow "umpteen trillion dollars" and say that they have a 3% interest rate. Enough said. I don't know a whole lot about parks and recreation, so I don't really have a comment. I wish I did appriciate what we have available and would take the time to realize what it means to Americans. I think the LARGEST problem in America, is Wal-Mart. What a pathetic excuse for an American company. Wal-Mart is what happens when capitalism and communism hold hands, two people get fucked and smile in the process. When was the last time you bought something form Wal-Mart? If anyone ever gets a chance, catch a copy of the PBS special, "Is Wal-Mart good for America?" It is a very serious insight as to how Wal-Mart says that they are a good thing for America, yet are driving the business right out of our own backyard. Wal-Mart doesn't operate on supply-side, they operate on the demand-side. The whole publication goes on to show how the Chinese government and their monetary policy has basically screwed hundreds of possibly thousands of Americans who had 60-70k jobs, out of a job. But now they can greet at Wally world. Follow this link, if you have some time. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22787 I just had to rant about something, I was feeling left out.
  15. The real question is, what is the point? What do you think can be fixed by changing the events that have been set into place. There are some very valid points in here, but I think this thread needs to come to a specific point and I am finding it very hard to observe that. The Laffer curve is great, but the biggest problem is discovering which side we are on. I believe in Regeanomics, and I feel that it has brought some very good things into this country.
  16. pretty cool vid, i wish it was larger with greater detail though
  17. Title says it all. I am in the vehicle market in probably the next 6 months and want to know where everyone else generally looks for cars. I generally check out autotrader, but that's about the extent of it. Input?
  18. What kind of car was he driving?
  19. If you knock a mother fucker out, just kick him in the ribs a couple of times......don't keep punching his ass in the head
  20. Yikes http://ueba.com.br/forums/index.php?showtopic=20865
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