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Everything posted by Conesmasher

  1. Snow tires on the way, so I'll be ready
  2. Your right, let's rename it "clear" friday because today all companies will be in the clear. I know that it hates on people of transparency, but I see right through their racial overtones.
  3. If I didn't know how to type, I think my life would be miserable. If I ever learn how to speel, my life will be grate!!
  4. not for that amount, 1.5 mil though and I'm down
  5. Nothing like free souveniers and free food!!
  6. Thank goodness for Boeckman. Glad he got the chance. Hope he gets 2 more. Is anyone else hoping that Tressel will let them go for two?
  7. Close game, and we'd better not give up. The better team doesn't always win.....
  8. Depression, smeshion. Get a job hippie.
  9. Dude, if your worried about the market's voalatility, you shouldn't be in the market.
  10. 16x9's........that's wide as hell How wide are those snow tires?
  11. Chips, guacomole One soft taco, carnitas, pinto, rice, corn, cream, cheese
  12. It's not the current 140,000 employees......it's the 600,000+ retirees that are on life support of Xanax, Viagra, and Lipitor. Bless their hearts, but they are the ones that were promised more than what the "mothership" could afford. They don't have 140,000 employees, they have 740,000 employees and most of them don't produce a product. THEY can fail and they should. I am fine with the market crashing, but it won't. It may go down, but GM declaring bankruptcy would be the best thing that happened to that company in its storied companies history. It keeps the markets real..... There is NOTHING wrong with failure, NOTHING. They'll have a chance to re-emerge, but their company should look nothing like it currently does.
  13. Wise investment, crack has a better ROI though
  14. Can you imagine the heat coming off of that flame. That has got to be CRAZY.
  15. How many people out there love their job? I mean....seriously love what they do or perhaps company they work for? In this economy, many folks are just happy to have some type of an income when it seems the walls are closing in. But aside from that, people always say, happiness in a job/career is much better than any money could provide, so it makes me curious as to how many of you folks really "love" your job. I know some of you are self-employed professionals, some working for "the man" and some working some blue collar jobs. If your not happy, are you working towards a better job/career?
  16. .....the first time I saw Brock Lesnar, I thought Ivan Drago http://a.bebo.com/app-image/6906635466/5411656627/PROFILE/i.yaquiz.com/img/q/u/08/04/20/drago.jpg
  17. I think that it's begining to "peak", but it's far from shrinking. This is one of the best matches in a long time, but there are some GREAT fights up and coming. You've got Coture v Lesnar Griffin v Rashad Evans + Nogueira v Mir + Rampage v Wanderlei Silva(Ultimate 2008) - BAD ASS EVENT Rich Franklin v Anderson Silva Pierre v Penn and UFC 96 at Nationwide in March!! .....I think it just keeps getting better, boxing on the other hand is in a serious lull
  18. Thorne it's totally communication. More than likely you are both failing to communicate to eachother properly. It's not a personal attack, but married folks sometimes take each other's thoughts for granted at times and messages get lost in midst. My advice is as such: A budget is a contract. You both must agree to it. Every month you have to review the budget to see if you went over/under and possibly where you need to make adjustments. A budget isn't a set it and forget it thing. It's a fluid contract and you have to adjust it when it isn't meeting either of your needs. The idea is that every dollar is accounted for before it's earned, every penny has a place. Know where your money is going to go and then find out if it went according to plan. Check out Dave Ramsey, he is a little church oriented, but he keeps it relatively secular. Good luck man!!!
  19. I don't hate on them specifically. But "he" is not a he, he is a she with a double masectomy and a hormonal imabalance. If he had twigs and berries and they had to cut the child from the womb, I may think differently.
  20. Come on man, give us a break. Waggoner has been doing an "okay" job, but don't give him great. A great job would have never allowed them to be in this position, period. GM has been "re-arranging" it's business for the past 7 years. I can't believe that he hasn't been fired yet. A great job would have this company turned around making money. A great job would have flexible production plants, labor unions that are scared, and some fiscal responsibility. I agree with you on everything else except this..............if it's time for GM to go down, they need to go down. I don't want a Great Depression as much as you do, but I'm more willing to go the depression route than to give them $$$$. The bigger problem is......when will all these loans stop? When will the bailout end? First AIG, this company, that company.............
  21. I'd say: Mitchell's Steakhouse Cameron's Ocean Club The Refectory Hyde Park
  22. I guess I don't understand why representatives would be attending a game of that magnitude. What can they pick up at the game that they couldn't pick up on TV, or over the phone.
  23. COW(California, Oregon, Washington) Blows........but they are a large part of the tax base?
  24. Thanks for pointing that out Vince. I caught this tonight and the last time it was on. Very good documentary. I think that both sides were very well represented and it's kinda like the "rest of the story" . Above all the report gets you to see the background behind politics. Ultimately everyone who has had success has had some brushes with some "bad" people. Both have amazing stories, from Senate seats to becoming the nominee. It's amazing the world hasn't lit fire already from the tension. I concur, this is one of the best "political insider" show's I've ever seen.
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