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Everything posted by Conesmasher

  1. They can kill you if you give them time and opportunity! Sly creatures! Try water, pop can full of rocks?
  2. I'm actually really glad to know that, I remember seeing something inregards to a new wii hack to combat this, I didn't know that the hackers had been outsmarted in this fashion.....but that's actually pretty funny.
  3. Conesmasher

    really CPD?

    That was my first thought too...but with a Quad core 2.53ghz, that stuff adds up I guess?
  4. Honestly this is like finding your wife cheating on you with 6 different men, only to find out later it was 60. What's another trillion?
  5. Dude he ghost rode the whip like I've never seen.
  6. Is a cocklocker the opposite of a cock-blocker. All this talk of cock, gay men, special sauce and tired of waiting is quite confusing....
  7. I've never played in a league, but I can kick a ball.......How much?
  8. That's what I'm wondering, these folks sound like they are getting 5 figure refunds. Someone told me of some $15k refund and I almost yelped......That's a lot of money.
  9. I just stopped by the "City" and they only have 30% off of accessories, and 10% big ticket stuff.
  10. I solve this. It's for a State Farm commercial.
  11. Dude, they're tasty with the right batter
  12. Dude, get married and drink more. Might not put on much muscle, but it beats being a puny bitch?
  13. Here's to getting fat or becoming emaciated...
  14. email sent to all my closest confidants. fucking hilarious
  15. I am now collecting donations to purchase this man a new pair of glasses.......anyone??
  16. I quit cold turkey after 10 years of smoking. #1 - I really wanted to quit, there was no other option(not because there wasn't.....but because I didn't want there to be) #2 - Replace your habit with something else "less worse" or perhaps good. I chose Miller Light for a few days. #3 - Remember why you are doing what you are doing. I had cold sweats during sleep for about three nights, twitching.....it was actually scary. But you learn to deal. Kicker for me was my wife still smoked, in the house nonetheless......she still smoke to this day, though I have forced her to the garage. It's one of those "anything's possible" moments. I also used this site for moral support http://whyquit.com/ It helped me stay informed.
  17. Come on now, he drives an 89 charger........... His question is relatively logical, 1.6ghz times two cores equals 3.2ghz processing power, minus the deduction for Celeron = 2.9ghz. I'm not saying it's correct, but to the average user...........it makes perfect sense.
  18. I didn't catch that, I stuck with engadget. Thank goodness, last thing I need is my IT department sending me "warning" notices for NWS pictures.
  19. I saw that model in person, it's hott!!!
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