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Big Chief2011647545501

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Everything posted by Big Chief2011647545501

  1. Check your fucking blind spots, Its not my fault you cagers cant move your head one way or the other or have to eat, talk on your cellphone, tailgate, read a book, Jack off, put on your make up, do your bills, all in your car. As a biker I keep a look out for ass hats that cant turn their heads let alone do the rest of the list but at the same time 65 means 65 not 66 (not that I follow the sign at all).
  2. I just got out of a 5 year relationship with my college "sweetheart" the first week I felt like shit thinking I couldnt live without her yadda yadda. Then I realized I've had more sex and fun in the past week then I had in the entire 5 years I was with this girl. You'll find someone else, If shes pressuring you into getting married and your reluctent than that means something. On a side note get a prenup.
  3. I wake up every morning wishing I didnt have to go to work. The jobs pays good and it will eventually help me find something alot better so i ahve to stick with it for the time being. I also had/have a second job just to pay off all my bills when I was an idiot and spent money on everything under the sun. I hate life now but in the months to come I'll be loving it.
  4. you need more detail what did you actually do... Also, if a manager doesnt know microsoft office includes worde, excell, access, PP, then they probably shouldnt be a manager and reviewing your resume. Granted I'm only 23 but I am the manager of the trade desk for one of the top 50 brokerage firms......
  5. I refuse to view resume's over 1 page.......
  6. crude's at all time highs again up 1.91 today to $123.75 the weak dollar is hurting us and theres no end in site. Be prepared for $5.00/gallon by end of summer ohh and fill up today even if it is $3.80 because it will take the futures untill next week to kick in. It will probably be $4.20 ish next week.
  7. funny i just went to their website and they said may 9th 10 and 11th but their countdown said 12 hours........ genius's
  8. congrats easier then people make it out to be huh?
  9. Westbound and down, eighteen wheels a-rollin? Ah we gonna do what they say can't be done We've got a long way to go, and a short time to get there I'm westbound, just watch old Bandit run nice ride
  10. I call off "sick" only because my boss told me I cant take vacation......
  11. yo dog what sick-wit it ride when ya throwin the altezzas on dis beast. If I forced my last GF to take pictures of my car with a black hood w/ nothing under the hood id prolly beat my own ass.
  12. the daytona 600 was a peice of cake way more overrated than people say. The one in hilliard is your best bet go out there some night at like 7 and practice it they have the pavement marked so you can just roll around through it its off cemetary on the right just past taco bell
  13. Aced it...... people make that test out to be way harder then it is.
  14. pop it using a cheese grater........... be a man
  15. this is whats wrong with america a bunch of fucking illegals stream accross our boarders everyday like some fucking pinata exploded. We have a welfare system that allows legal americans to live for free and not work while the low unskilled jobs get taken by boarder jumpers. I say do away with welfare and we do away with the illegals the unskilled welfare people have no way to make a living unless they take these jobs the illegals are coming here. Stop the job potential stop them from coming here. It would also take the burden off the backbone of america us middle class workers. Chief For PREZ 2012'
  16. "Alls I got in this world is my balls and my word and I dont break them for nobody".
  17. If you have a bike and think thats all there is to owning one thats a little sad. Secondly, if its a poke and my ability to ride you have me mistaken for some "squid".
  18. I hear adding a wing and altezza lights adds 20+HP
  19. i'm sick of having my temps and worrying if i get popped at night that they'll impound the bike. So im gonna just gonna suck it up and try it on the rocket i think.
  20. do people show up with bikes? I got rid of my car and got a truck now the only thing i got thats "fast" is my rocket
  21. By far the funniest thing I ever read......
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