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Big Chief2011647545501

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Everything posted by Big Chief2011647545501

  1. Nice place Doc, If you need anything let me know I've got a truck as well.
  2. Rovers morning glory is alright.... It's on 100.7 from Cleveland. Dave and Jimmy is the worst thing on the radio besides mo and blazer. Talk shows blow
  3. I give to my church which in turn gives out a ton of the money to help the homeless community. I wouldn't mind giving on the streets if it was truly needed (and who's to say it's not). I have a major problem with the ones who "work" the parking lot's in the short north or the ones who talk shit if you don't give them anything.
  4. Reminds me of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXRjmyJFzrU&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLBDE6FE73261124C9
  5. I've had really good results with Lipo Black 6, the Nox Plode is best pre-workout I've tried. Take some protein afterwards. It's been a pretty good stack so far. If you care to elaborate on your statement....
  6. lipo black 6 + BSN Noxplode = Winning
  7. I kind of figured this would go in this direction...
  8. I'm looking for someone with a classic car (doesn't matter make or model) or a new corvette, viper, etc. to use as a "get-away" car in my wedding this October. We literally need to be drove right around around the corner then are done. Anyone know of anyone with something like this? I've been looking but to rent something like this they ask way to much for less than 10 minutes and under a mile. Any help would be appreciated!
  9. I'm going to Kauai, Hawaii. We are spending 4k for 12 days went through a travel agent
  10. I got all my groomsmen watches.... I asked all of them what they would like they said they didn't care as long as it wasn't a flask or beer mug.
  11. road rash after wrecking my motorcycle.... Pulling those bandages off everyday was the worst pain I've ever had.
  12. is there any gym in Columbus that plays loud metal and lets you grunt really loud? I want to show how jacked I am.
  13. He's going to have a tough time winning the republican primary especially after running as a libertarian previously. I love his ideas but when push comes to shove you got to take what you are given.
  14. I'd vote for the Donald, we need a businessman not a politician in office right now.
  15. Dark Alley 2AM + Bottle of Ether = Winning DUH
  16. Call the Coz Cat Cottage 614-336-8510 or 614-336-8570 I cant read this ladys handwriting to make it out. Speak with Cindi Clum - shes the director. She also said if they dont take double bag it because one bag isnt strong enough.
  17. Ive got a crazy cat lady that sits near me at work ill ask her tomorrow about where it can go she volunteers at some cat rescue. I bet she'll probably say double bag it in the river.
  18. I saw a guy chalk his hands to do cleans with 95lbs.... I about cried when i saw that... or the fucktard who doesn't put away their dumbbells that royally pisses me off.
  19. I got the bexley beat its real cheap too they have a bus that will take you around its like 60-80/hr.
  20. not to thread jack but where do you rent a said sick old car? I need a getaway car to drive around the block for my wedding and that's it.
  21. Umm not sure if you remember but there was a woman shot in the head at tuttle a few months back so its happening everywhere.
  22. http://4gifs.com/gallery/d/171839-2/Sharked_spanked.gif
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