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Big Chief2011647545501

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Everything posted by Big Chief2011647545501

  1. I won't be able to make it Sunday out of town for a wedding. Let me know the schedule and I'll be there. Hows our QB situation? I can't throw a ball for crap but sure can run it if you want to run the wildcat....
  2. Die Antwoord from South Africa, Its foreign do I need to say anything else?
  3. I might be able to make it Sunday but not 100% yet. Is the fields you talking about the ones on Hard rd right by Lifetime?
  4. i enjoyed the guy waving the flag around like he was in high school flag core at the end
  5. good idea for a traders forum let me know if you start it up.
  6. BG for a bit, before they dropped it my freshman year then transferred to OU.
  7. stay away from it trade what you know.... I tell people this all the time.
  8. I'm in, I was a sprinter in college. Although I cant make it to the meeting on the 17th I'll be out of town.
  9. I've been working on fixing up some small things wrong with my truck like new mirrors, tail light lamps, some electrical wiring and have found the cheapest place to get this stuff from is http://www.rockauto.com I got a whole mirror assembly for $22.00 for my 08 ranger when the dealer wanted ~$120.00. I'd check it out if you are looking for something specific and have the time for it to be mailed to you. I am not affiliated with them I just have bought a bunch of stuff from them for really cheap prices. If you order something from them put this number in the "How did you hear about us" box for 5% off: 40860813364547.
  10. Gave you a call got a buddy who's motivated and with cash. Dibs
  11. just find someone that lives in German Village have them run over there and put your name on the list. I do it all the time for my friends they normally have a 10-20 minute wait then.
  12. they technically cant cut you from the team once you sign your commitment papers. When I ran track in college I was guaranteed four years of school. They dropped the program my freshman year paid for my sophomore year as long as I ran club. They eventually found another school I could transfer to with the same scholarship. If I didn't want to leave they would have had to for my other years.
  13. Id suggest a rubberized undercoating.... I just did that on my ranger it looks great and should keep the rust and salt from eating the car all to hell.
  14. harbor freight, cheapest and decent quality.
  15. not bad IMO, the market for bikes is horrible right now
  16. its got about 45K on it right now, like ryan said IMO it should be changed even though they say its "lifetime". Now I'm debating also to change the filter as well but obviously that involves removing the pan and could possible be easier for "them" to tell I changed it. Anyone's expert opinion?
  17. If I change the transmission fluid on a BMW 328 it says it will void the warranty I'm wanting to change it just trying to figure out how they will know if I change it. Any idea?
  18. Good Luck that's a hell of a deal!! If I had $2,900 free I'd buy it.
  19. where did they find it? I live in German Village as well
  20. I broke down and used the Rustoleum stuff on my bed it took about 4 hours to do it. Three of those four hours were prep work. I user a wire brush bit on a drill and scuffed the bed real good then cleaned it with acetone. It went on really nice and looks a lot better than the scratched up bed I had before. I'll post pictures when I get a chance but I would definitely recommend this stuff from the way it looks and feels right now.
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