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Big Chief2011647545501

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Everything posted by Big Chief2011647545501

  1. the one on the first page looks like an 89 you can tell by the "spoiler" on the trunk lid. they definetly changed the skirt on the bumper though. The sting ray hood is horrid cowl all the way.
  2. I've rarely seen an indoor 400m track the best youll find around these parts is a 200M track. In college we would run at indoor tennis courts that might be your best bet.
  3. I love German Village its close to the bars, you can find some really nice places. If not here look into short north
  4. sorry guys I'm out for the season:( Jesus classes for my wedding started Sunday and I totally forgot about them. If I owe anyone money for the shirts let me know. Good luck on the rest of the season.
  5. ok so I just finished buying my girlfriends engagement ring... I got a 2.05 ct. Solitaire round diamond for her from my guy in Quebec and I'm dead serious about this. I didn't have to pay sales tax on it and with the Canadian Dollar cheaper than the dollar I saved more on the conversion. I would suggest hitting him up PM if you want his number only problem is you'd have to go to Quebec or take their word for the quality. I spent a lot on mine but I'm sure you've looked at the prices of rings.
  6. Sucks looks like it was a hard loss. Sorry I couldn't be there I've been fighting this damn cold all week and am still feeling like shit. I'll see you all Sunday.
  7. I was a manager of a trade desk for optionsxpress for awhile. I have my series 3,7,66. You need those if you plan on doing anything in this industry investment wise. If not good luck.
  8. If I don't see an interception of a pitch for 6 I'm gonna be pissed.
  9. I cant tell you how scary it is to be on a bike and have someone come over into your lane while going around a curve. Let alone when your sitting a stop light. I think what Casper is trying to say is stay in your lane. Who cares if there's a corn field up ahead slow down if you cant see properly and make the turn safely. Theoretically if a motorcycle was coming around that corner in their own lane and they hit that biker head on the likely hood of the biker surviving in so low. On to the biker: that's his own fault for riding past his abilities to properly negotiate a turn. Conclusion: Stay in your fucking lane.
  10. you call that so-cal? Try going down to Orange county that areas really nice. Ive flown into John Wayne a few times for business and always enjoy it down there except for all the illegals. Just sayin...
  11. Hell of a game guys we're definitely tightening it up.
  12. Practice? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj0rTaKssW0
  13. ^ Thats some pretty nice work for a damn good price I must say
  14. I never get a flu shot... one year you're going to turn into a zombie when you get it.. population control and moar fear
  15. Friday night, I cant meet having family in town to go look at wedding crap *gun to head* If anyone wants to have a practice on Saturday morning let me know. If not I'll prolly go run some sprints at Afrocentric stadium in the AM.
  16. Voted in the AM before work... Strickland just couldn't get the jobs done
  17. I would also say we need to have the middle line backer rush more leaving the line men to play spy. The have to do short 3 yard pitches so the linemen are in perfect position to get a quick 6 off that past performance.
  18. Not to be a dick or anything but warming the bench wasn't all to fun... Not sure why I was sitting so much when we had some people getting burned on D. Just saying...
  19. as nice as it would be to have Jerseys and some of those designs are sick I don't think (but could be wrong) most people don't want to spend $70-80 on a jersey. I wouldn't mind it if we had a sponsor that covered the $60/person reg fee. After shoes, Gloves, etc. it adds up. Just my 0.02
  20. I'll be in Chicago Wednesday and Thursday for work. See you all Sunday.
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