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Big Chief2011647545501

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Everything posted by Big Chief2011647545501

  1. whats the smallest cc bike i can take the BMV test on?
  2. Statistically for every foreign car on the highway its 1 american worker out a job for a year. Furthermore, 50% of all statistics are untrue and 42% of all statistics are made up on the spot; believe what you want.
  3. I went to OU for 4 yrs graduated with two degrees one in Finance and one in Economics. I always knew I wanted to be a Broker of some sort so I went the white boy way of slangin crack rock I became a commodity broker. I'm 23 and make more then my parents combined. That was my goal... I met that. Now I'm the manager of the trade desk, Its fun. You just need to read the books they tell you and get to know the professors. Too many times have I seen kids who dont bs with the prof and get screwed when it comes to gettign a few extra points to make the difference between an A and a B. Work your ass and youll be fine. Take 20 credit hours a quarter. You only pay up to 12 then 12-20 are all the same price more bang for the buck.
  4. i didnt notice any snow i guess thats because i was in a coma sleeping when its cold is much easier.
  5. Least he's got a street fighter now
  6. I recently had bought a hood for my old hyundai but turned around and sold the car before I fixed it. therefore, I have a 01-04 primer black ready to paint Elantra hood in my garage never opened needing to get out. I'm looking to get $150.00 out of the hood. First with the cash gets it. PM me for more info.
  7. fuckin dick make the damn thread NSFW if its got a link like that
  8. Thought it was the whipsaw, later found out it was my flux capasitor
  9. Battery charged fine when i charged it turns out it was the Alternator. Looks like the copper had been rubbing and wore down so I got that replaced, should be back up and running in no time. And whats wrong with a triumph? Granted you cant find aftermarket stuff for them in the US and their electrical sucks but the nice thing is I'm one of maybe 5 in c-bus who has a daytona. unlike all you kids with your Gixxers and CBR's
  10. I was riding for the first time this season after charging my battery completely and my tach turned off and my speedometer stopped working. Could this be a faulty battery or my alternator going?
  11. looked like the same jag as yours
  12. bought a ramp thanks for all the common sense comments which have all be thought about.
  13. Alright heres the scoop, Everytime the Fed cuts interest rates the value of the Dollar deflates, As the dollar deflates the more it costs for our "Fossil Fuels". The only thing the truckers are going to do if they strike is lower demand for deisel. Which ultimately will lower the price by a few cents here and there. Inflation is inevitable, with the dollar where it is. China is buying up trillions of dollars in US Bonds and we are sitting back not doing anything about it.
  14. do you work at northwestern mutual on spring? I knew a guy a lil while back where his son called his car the "kitty car".
  15. I got into an accident in cleveland last falla nd my bikes been up there all winter and now that its fixed and I got a truck i want to haul it down here but dont want to buy a cheap ramp. I'd like o save up and get a good one for like 4 wheelers and stuff. I will be more then willing to throw a few bones your way if youll let me barrow it.
  16. nice bike. We should get a nice group and ride soon.
  17. go w/ the 6 point i used to have a 4 point and it was just a matter of time before i put the other bars in to make it 6. Why risk getting sent home when yur trying to have some fun.
  18. Tucci's in dublin was amazing. Bravo is owned by brio which was owned by lindeys so dont go to any of those. The melting pot sucked, If i want a steak i dont boil it ill cook it on a grill. I take my GF out to alot of restaurants here in c-bus I would suggest Tuccis, Hyde Park, Ruth Cris, Reflectory on bethel, Barnum and Tibbetts, Oscars, or Smith & Wolensky.
  19. VC VIOLATOR COMPACT SUSPENSION STATUS: CLOSED START: 07/25/2006 END: 07/13/2007 BMV CASE: VC06005072 JURISDICTION: KENTUCKY **************CONVICTIONS************** C3 OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION COURT: UNKNOWN COURT CASE: UNKNOWN OFF. DATE: 04/30/2006 CONV. DATE: 06/04/2007 OFFENSE: S93-SPEEDING**** JURISDICTION: KENTUCKY ***END OF DRIVER RECORDS*** Had a cop in Kentucky pop me, crazy thing is he cop was FOREIGN, it was so ahrd to understand him. Didnt pay it for a year and a half. Then I got a bill for $100. end o story
  20. I'm a commodity broker, theres going to be a crash some time soon. The market is way too overbought. We may get an upward bounce but long term were going down. To bad you didnt invest in agriculture or energy. Crude oil should back down to around $80 a barrel, we're ina recession I hope everyone realizes it soon.
  21. I used to date the daughter of KTM's CEO.
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