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Everything posted by darksrt4

  1. buying one of these for the ex... jk jk i dont even have an ex.
  2. agreed agreed. not sure if I would vote for him. It is really easy to say one would do this or that then once in office realize there is redtape around a lot of things. It happens to every president.
  3. i can see him retracting that statement... We fought the Revolutionary war so we could be free. Just b/c the majority of us speak English does not give us the right to make people learn English. What is America's national language anyways? after saying that. If I was in Alabama I would vote for him.
  4. http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s170/radiojumper/southparknees.jpg that is from their site... i really want to see this thing
  5. the detonator yellow on the challenger is ugly. Dodge needs to open there eyes and do a weight cut or just shrink the car by 6 inches everywhere in 2011 or 2012 and they would have my money. The I like the 5.0 good job Ford.
  6. Yes that is true do drinking or porn... but I have been on many streets and ally ways that had tons of empty Timbor beer cans in them. (or whatever it is call)
  7. i love mopar but the camaro beat the breaks off of that srt8 challenger.
  8. no there shouldn't be a pro driver. This is the whole concept of the show. So people like us watching can laugh our asses off at these douches that talk all that mad shit, go out there and pull in the biggest fail boat. If there was a pro driver it would be car vs car and not E-thug vs. Telephone tough guy. I like it.
  9. 03 stock for me was 14.00 on my first pass ever my brother 13.9 both 05 stock. all stock. nothing but miles on them. I think dodge said they would cut 14.2 think you have miss information.
  10. darksrt4 12.61@110.89 1.88 60' 5-03-09--94 Viper-- N/A http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s170/radiojumper/viper1261.jpg
  11. ain't no grave by Johnny Cash I have been loving it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuutbtifpZQ
  12. wow you should wear those stockers at the track for a retro run, just think of the great 60 ft. you could pull
  13. congrats on the new car looks good enjoy
  14. Randy what is up man. I see that you like all type of cars that is neat. Alot of people once they join CR go from like all types to loving afew and hating all others. However welcome and nice car.
  15. i read it all, pretty cool that would be a fun trip.
  16. kinda harsh there man, what is a car between brothers. Insurance goes with the car not the driver. If it would be filed under his insurance it would not being covered at all. People say that is a horrible excuse however it is not an excuse that is what happened. No doubt it is really easy to see where you are coming from however you do not know the moral values between my brother and I. But hey 90% of people would agree with you!
  17. very funny. that was like a never ending repost lol. wait maybe i am on the internet way too much.
  18. haha that was worth watching, that video game cartoon chick was sexy
  19. I agree with ya on that, vipers just sound different. most v8's with good exhaust systems sound beastly and sound better then vipers. But that is just my opinion.
  20. man that sucks after the long wait. Hope they can rectify it for you.
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