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Everything posted by darksrt4

  1. "you've got to hear what is wrong with it. Listen to the engine. "
  2. i am not that wise when it come to all this but I would have to agree with that vid.
  3. I have two out of state tickets. VA and WV. I got a letter from the BMV saying they would go on my record but no points would be added to my driving record. but I know the insurance sees them.
  4. haha that doesnt seem right! Sweet Gauges I love what appears to be the rpms. I have never been a fan of 300zx but this one is deff. cool
  5. License Status as of 04/06/2010: VALID ENDORSEMENTS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: NONE **************CONVICTIONS************** C3 OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION COURT: VIRGINIA - UNKNOW COURT COURT CASE: UNKNOWN OFF. DATE: 08/05/2009 CONV. DATE: 10/27/2009 OFFENSE: S15-SP XS: 15&GR JURISDICTION: VIRGINIA C3 OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION COURT: W VIRGINIA - UNKNOW CRT COURT CASE: UNKNOWN OFF. DATE: 05/21/2009 CONV. DATE: 06/04/2009 OFFENSE: S92-SPEED DTAIL: JURISDICTION: WEST VIRGINIA ***END OF DRIVER RECORDS*** Virginia ticket was an 84 in a 65 at the state line of NC. where there speedlimit is 75. He wanted to give me a wreak less op. Any thing over 80 is wreakless op in Virgina. but he didn't thank goodness. WV one was a 92 in a 75, I was waxing an M3 on the turnpike turns... The cop had a good laugh b/c I told him just give me the ticket there is no way of talking your way out of one when your driving a viper.
  6. Nice ford Taurus! Just messing, cars looking great man. I cant wait to get my car out this spring!
  7. darksrt4

    The game

    i guess that means we won? I get it now
  8. yea no doubt, however I am a fan of the surefire flash lights. For on and off the fob use. They can be a lifesaver (well ankle) when your walking back to the chu's in complete darkness lol.
  9. looks to be a fobbit m4 son!~ do work!
  10. 1. Would you rent this? yes 2. Why? Next CR drag day.
  11. wtf was that dog wearing. No wonder that cat owned him
  12. i will see it might but corny but will be fun and good for a few laughs
  13. The Rally is on as much of Route 66 as possible. The check points are secret until the start of the leg. I am thinking of following the west coast crew that meets us in Amarillo home. Just for kicks/
  14. my car runs on good feelings of happiness, kinda like harry potters expecto patronum. I have not done too much thinking about fuel b/c I don't care.
  15. I am going on this too, It going to be a blast! It is a great deal its pretty cheap over all. I know bullrun rally is like a $20k to do. I have spent under $400 total including Hotels.
  16. that would be great for the Beach down here in NC
  17. pssh no rice dick no care
  18. This show has great potential.
  19. like the message but not the music or car.
  20. they should start one around here, but wouldnt want it to be like sonic. Texas, New Mexico sonics blow the ones around here out of the water.
  21. i can see why that guy was so mad, i love me some whataburger. I cant wait to head to texas this spring.
  22. Great looking car! I like that color alot
  23. turbododge.com might be helpful. but alot of times guys go for bottom dollar. Is the lady asking bc she thinks it will be a cheap old car. Or does she want it for some collector reason. If she just wants it b/c she thinks it will be cheap then she would run at any price near 3k i would think. If it was a 5 speed i would say you could sell it for 3k on turbo dodge. That is just my .02
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