they all look pretty fun, some more scary then fun. But i think Stelvio Pass, Italy would get alittle borning the same switch back over and over again. I could careless about the Exchanges in LA and Japan.
oh that is great. hey got to stand up for your cause sometimes... These ppl were so willing to ruin someones day but wasnt to happy to have theirs ruined.
I must have a different taste for tv then alot of you guys. I don't like any of the shows the Hotcarl mentioned. I think Justified just looks like crap. However I do like the actor. Archer is really funny tho
i wish i could have seen this. I am going to make an effort to watch it from here on out. I seen the preview and I am rooting for the real team Viper and team Hemi Cuda how bad ass is that
In the link kickass posted it said pricing starts at 150,000. That is a cool car but wow that much for the base. The stage two is what was tested in the flyer. However I like it. But I think if someone is going to drop that much dow they would want something more exotic.
Great! I really can not wait. I just add up how much I spent on the hotels and decal fee. It really is really pretty cheap. The ride back you can do in one day if you push it.