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Everything posted by darksrt4

  1. v10 in the GLH... can a trans bolt right to a rear axle with no drive shaft....
  2. I might bring my brothers SRT4 of my 86 dodge Omni. He also has a 64 barracuda but it wont be road worthy by the time of the rally. I am just happy I will still be able to go. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79473
  3. yup i am showing this to my girl when she says 'babe I don't know what to get you' congratulations by the way. Pure sexiness.
  4. oh yeah i was going to do the Route 66 rally in the viper, so now i am down to 86 omni ghl or an srt4. for the rally
  5. So some of you guys may recall that my viper was back into in 2007. A $14,000 hole was knocked into my hood. I had it fixed with the insurance money and ended up with a GTS hood however it didn't line up as good as stock but was still acceptable. Damage in 2007 http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s170/radiojumper/Viperholeinhood.jpg Here is a pic when the new hood was put on but not painted yet. http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s170/radiojumper/08160716301.jpg Here is a pic from a Track day in 2009. It was really dirty but hey I just had got back from deployment and didn't get it detailed yet. Track day 2009 http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s170/radiojumper/IMG_0685-1.jpg So That brings us to present day. Last weekend my brother tagged up a tree avoiding someone that pulled out in front of him. The damage http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s170/radiojumper/APRIL18065.jpg more damage http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s170/radiojumper/APRIL18066.jpg Now the car is at the Adjusters to see if it will be a total loss or fixable. It is leaking antifreeze, the alignment is off and I am thinking there is some suspension damage from were the rim hit the tree also.
  6. oh yeah I got my decals... They are great but I have some horrible news. I am still going to be able to make the rally but I am pretty sure I viper will not...
  7. love that song! ever better now to the new video lol
  8. daily driver srt4 is great. Fun to drive pretty quick as well. I loved mine and beat the living fap out of it. If it has stage 2 turbo toys that would be cool. That is what I had in mine. I ran 13.10 @ 107 mph my brother touched 12's in his. they are fun at the track b/c front wheel drive 5 speed is not easily mastered at the track. They are about all around cheap price fun car. Haters will hate but for the money you spend on an SRT4, you get the best performance. also both mine and my brother never had and Negative issues his has about 60k on it mine had 40k when i got rid of it.
  9. http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s170/radiojumper/doubledown.jpg Haters gonna Hate. Yes I am fat and Yes it was tasty!
  10. lol that was funny, yeah i would have liked to the srt8 in that challenge. but it was still fun to watch.
  11. i have not, i might go check it out this evening for dinner.
  12. UFC need to have the pride yellow card system. For fights like last night. Total disrespect for the sport and fans. I love bj pen, but i am glad he lost after his performance. Silva ummm ya no reason to comment. Maia he was as aggressive as he could be. Gracie fight was just ok Hughes all around great guy.
  13. bo kimly is great and good for kiddos
  14. "for an extra $200 i will stab him in the face when we does" that is classic!
  15. Not hating on you guys but before I opened this thread I was just hoping not to see either of those names lol. winnars! Silva-KO Penn-tko Gracie-arm bar? I like that UFC took it too UAE for this fight.
  16. that is creative! I want to see it drive using the gear shift. but I still think I would rather have a real one lol!
  17. Pres. Obama plays 'POTUS' = President Of The United States. five letters just like horse, I think i could beat him!
  18. about how much did you drop on it?
  19. i have felt the wrath of the blue brick.
  20. was it a sexy lady voice or a pissed off fag voice?
  21. who gets a ticket for 142! that seems like jail time to me lol... I would love to just get off with a ticket for that. waiting to hear the story!
  22. he gives us southpaws a bad name geez.
  23. http://www.wimp.com/oppositeadults/ I know many of us check out wimp.com daily but I really liked this video pretty good song.
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