So some of you guys may recall that my viper was back into in 2007. A $14,000 hole was knocked into my hood. I had it fixed with the insurance money and ended up with a GTS hood however it didn't line up as good as stock but was still acceptable.
Damage in 2007
Here is a pic when the new hood was put on but not painted yet.
Here is a pic from a Track day in 2009. It was really dirty but hey I just had got back from deployment and didn't get it detailed yet.
Track day 2009
So That brings us to present day. Last weekend my brother tagged up a tree avoiding someone that pulled out in front of him.
The damage
more damage
Now the car is at the Adjusters to see if it will be a total loss or fixable. It is leaking antifreeze, the alignment is off and I am thinking there is some suspension damage from were the rim hit the tree also.