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Everything posted by darksrt4

  1. good luck with whatever you go with! My last two cents is do it if he will trade strait up. I know how much the guy wants for the srt4 i think its a good deal. plus the badass sturts and springs
  2. with the slight mods this guy has on the SRT4 i think it would be a good deal. Do you think you could sell your car for what is asking for the SRT4, If the right person see the car forsell at his price it would be gone quick. If i was in the market I would swipe this car. In about a year I am going to be looking to buy a srt
  3. there are alot of great reasons listed above for both sides. I use to have an SRT4 I loved it and miss it every day. My best 13.0 at 106 was my best I had mopar stage 2 with turbo toys. I could run that every pass back to back for 10 passes. I think it would be a good trade if it was a stait up trade. They are not hard to work on. If you want a cheap quick car it is the one for you. However I am not a fan of front wheel drive at all. BTW your TA is sexy
  4. Cool but i would have went for I AM AWSOME that just sounds awesomer
  5. i dont get it, if you are at a track why not just bracket race. but i guess people would just sandbag it then
  6. He nailed it. I hate the army, not everyone does but I do. Air Force is the way to go. In my case I have been in the army 3 years and my body is breaking. However my father did 29 years in the airforce with min body breaking problems.
  7. I dont see what the big deal about posting it on a website is. The driver had already been charged with the crime... Also no one was hurt. Am I the only one that thinks this?
  8. I seen aleaked copy, i am going to see the real deal tonight. There are so many differeneces in that movie, compared to the comics and the catoon. But I like them all.
  9. I had a blast, yep me and my slow Viper. Great Pics!
  10. Hey thanks alot. My car seems to be having fuel problems right now. Anyways The Roe kits has been calling my name for some time now.
  11. i have been thinking of getting a roe kit myslef now that i know IPS can do install i am really looking into it.
  12. did they photoshop her trapstamp type tattoo out? well they did
  13. I like it. If its a panda it is the sexiest one I have seen. my girls challenger is a panda in the making
  14. ya nasty stuff.... i am not sure why but i see alot of that crap in new mexico.
  15. darksrt4

    G8 GXP

    they are good looking cars i think they are cutting 13.1 in the 1/4 from the mags i have read.
  16. yeah end of the world flash is my internet fav. i remember when my friend sent it to my email. i still have it in my in box lol i watch it often! before 2000 there is only afew i remember.
  17. love this bike i keep looking at it everyday. I might have an offer for you when i get back from Iraq in 3 weeks or so. If you still have it.
  18. I went to a seminar of Bj penn and Faber back when I was at Ft. Bragg. they are good. Penn is on crack i am pretty sure. I would recommend going even if you dont know anything. They break it down barney style for people.
  19. darksrt4


    great movie and yes
  20. http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s170/radiojumper/n1187980470_88126_5135.jpg
  21. darksrt4

    Practice tree

    sweetness... i am badass http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s170/radiojumper/badassme.jpg
  22. thats crazy i bet he has to wear some blues brothers type sunglasses durning the day.
  23. he ha turned over 12000. This man is a Great American. He should be given the key to the city or something like that. Hell I would give him the key to the state! I salute this man
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