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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. cNeutron


  2. once a ricer always a ricer......just kidding......welcome to the board
  3. it was actually a double topic my bad.....and it looks like they deleted the 2nd one now
  4. i feel bad for all the families but who was the smart guy that let this guy be escorted by a women when he wasnt wearing any handcuffs.
  5. I think we should have a big March Madness pool. Bascially 5 bucks for each bracket to fill out and winner takes all? If we get enough people someone could win quite a bit of money.
  6. I like to shoot black tar heroine........you guys are talking about drugs right?
  7. i dunno but the double post owns you
  8. people are just fucking gay sometimes.......and i ddint know dairy mart was still around
  9. cNeutron


    i say you need to start BOTD again
  10. cNeutron

    Been a long time!

    wait who are you?
  11. Nice NA man......watch out for the curb next time......
  12. cNeutron

    need a cop

    ouch i ate my words thanks marc
  13. cNeutron

    need a cop

    i forgot this was a cop message board......yea sure will have one out there in just a few mins......
  14. cNeutron

    BMW vs BMW

    I fucking hate you........jsut playing.....no i wasnt saying in context to say my mustang is SO much better. I was just saying that i didnt like BMWs that much. But thanks for taking my mustang down a few pegs haha.....Im still new to the whole mustang thing and trying to learn the car.
  15. said file wasnt found......but on the movie not a big fan of star wars but from the trailers i have seen i do want to see this last one
  16. def photo chopped.....the skin pigmintation by the end of the butt is different from the front. Slightly off but off non the less. And those legs are nasty. Dont work witht he upper body what so ever
  17. cNeutron

    BMW vs BMW

    This dude really needs to go back in his hole. BMWs are overrated never have i ever been really that impressed by them. Most of them are way to damn boxy for me to ever consider.
  18. cNeutron


    I think its ken jennings......the kid is obviously a fuck and needs to go take his "racing team" some where else. Who the fuck come on here and trys to stir up shit like that. Stick jon on him that would be fun to see.
  19. What was the reason to post this story??
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