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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. Just FYI austin, you really dont help your case by being so defensive. Im not saying your mom did or didnt but who cares either way. You got the car you wanted and maybe your parents helped big deal. Enjoy it and dont let the little shit get to you.
  2. looks really good man, def a fan of the rims
  3. ha i was wondering what the hell he was talkign about too. Tj no offense bro but you really show your age. Even though i dont know what that is but as your screen name points out you fit the roll.
  4. You know thats a great plan, you get a fixed or new phone and only have to pay 5 bucks one time. Wait though what happens in lets say 1-2 years if something does and your phone breaks. The first question they are going to ask you is "did you purchase the service plan?". Your response will have to be "no", right their you just eliminated many options for you. You then could go i wanted a new phone anways, but if you had the service plan you now have to pay full price. The beauty of the plan is that you can apply the money from the old one to the new one. So in theory your little save a few bucks early has cost you a lot more in the end. Dont try the whole it wont happen to me, because it could to anyone and i have had to many people come back to me and go wow i wish i would have gotten it.
  5. you really should work on your comebacks because they suck. To only use what he already said to you as a come back to him is just lame. What he wrote about you was one of the funniest things i have ever read on this board. Just liek marc says you are just jealous you cant come up with something that outlandish that quick . I am sure you were standing there wondering how you could get him back. But you couldnt so you just said what he said to you and tried to say it back to him. Learn better come backs and maybe people will be laughing with you instead of at you.
  6. if anything goes wrong with it you are going to be happy you did. Especially if it is a HD tv, because problems do arrise
  7. apparently hollywood had some sort of balls. Even though it seems like he is THE biggest douche on the board. I like when people respond to jon because he replys are by far the best.
  8. yea tupac.......have fun in cali
  9. wow what a newb.....bustin out the bens so quick
  10. the summer always brings some good newbs that think they are hott shit so dont worry
  11. ha he totally covered everything. airwalk hollywood wont have much to say ........or will he?
  12. cNeutron


    hahah best post ever
  13. I work at Circuit City and i had previously worked at Best Buy. I have been selling service plans at both places for about 4 years. I personally believe in them for most items; big screen tvs, subs, and among other things. I believed in them before I worked there so it wasnt like Best Buy gave me a bias opinion on them. What i do wonder is why some people are so much against them. I ask you guys the general public do you disagree or agree with them? Sometimes i have a hard time believing why people DONT buy them when they protect against the problem they were just bitching about. Others i do understand why they dont. So try to keep it on topic and have a educated response. More so then just saying they blow or something to that effect.
  14. its about to get hot in here
  15. that skull thing on the front is the GAYEST thing i have ever seen done to a car.
  16. welcome to the board.......try to have a sense of humor
  17. happy bday even though i dont know you
  18. haha......i think the cougar looks alot better then the focus but either way he is right
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