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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. Tansky Sawmill gave me a boatload of money for mine on trade in. Just FYI.
  2. It's because charging batteries produces gas. In a gel battery, the gas bubbles sit between the plates and the gel, then there is no more chemical reaction. The battery dies, even though everything in the battery is still "good". They stopped using gel cells years ago in my industry but a lot of people still use the term; they're just talking about AGM batteries. I will always prefer a wet cell over AGM, AGM over gel.
  3. Still only.098 behind the other car. Decelerating.
  4. I disagree. I had a ground loop on industrial equipment where we had 90A going through the (grounded) conduit because the neutral opened. If this was happening, and the path was resistive, it becomes a series resistive circuit that effects the load very much.
  5. I used to have a bunch of wiring diagrams and stuff but I think they were lost in the move. I can't find them. Sorry. If I run across them I'll let you know!
  6. Can someone explain this sentence to me please? I don't care about anything else in this thread.
  7. Someone would pay you for that. Put it up on CL for $100.
  8. Of all the things you've ever written, this is my favorite and most entertaining. In the same vein as
  9. You can see the block when you look straight on, and the center gear between the two larger gears has a clear view of the top. those are straight cut. It probably is just noisy. They could be using individual dampeners, or metal matrix gears?
  10. It did, and when you measure two totally different items using the same criteria, one will fall short. We could write the same article but compare utility and cost of ownership. The article would be skewed in favor of the minivan.
  11. Yep, 2.5X. Anyone else with questions?
  12. They shouldn't be foglights, that's where the high beams go on a '69. Ackbar, I might have a bunch of documentation on '69s if you want copies. In the pic of you and your brother, which one is you?
  13. Girlfriend is selling her Subaru. We need a van. 91k miles, remote start, heated seats. Click the Craigslist ad for more. Unfortunately the car is not in OH, but I would deliver it. CR Price $12,500. Images are linked from CL, let me know if they don't display! http://images.craigslist.org/00C0C_faXkDbm2tjL_600x450.jpg http://images.craigslist.org/00Z0Z_faPsXifF4FC_600x450.jpg http://images.craigslist.org/00N0N_iKSfoqyVPaN_600x450.jpg
  14. Mensan


    Watch these videos to answer book questions. This chick is awesome (comicbookgirl19).
  15. If they're changing it due to B vs S they should ensure continuity and character development. That would've made me happier.
  16. It's unlikely that you have had these arguments with members of CR. Not because they are incapable of intellectual argument, but because you are. Just because you argue does not make you intellectual.
  17. Why has no one talked about how fantastic this is?
  18. Came to post this. A collection of people willing to do work for $5. Hire a bunch, weed out the garbage, select the good one.
  19. Mojoe is upset because he posts quality advice when asked and when his advice is ignored, he feels he wasted time trying to help someone who had the ability to help themselves had they listened. It's tiring. Geeto is NOT upset because he is used to people ignoring his unsolicited opinion, because it is stupid and people don't like him.
  20. It's not to make you feel bad Mike. I'm here to help you realize your full potential.
  21. It cannot. It can only affect you. Record recession numbers? Agreed. Starting with Eisenhower, a recession has hit the US after every election where a republican has won.
  22. Directed by M. Night Shamalymammamala Edit for the best movie about Siamese Twins; Basket Case - A young man has his deformed conjoined twin removed from his side. He keeps it in a basket and feeds it hot dogs. It frequently escapes to kill people. It is also stop motion animation. Trailer - Full movie -
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