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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. ^^ I agree with everything posted above.
  2. No, it's definitely a different casting, and also the PI heads will increase compression if bolted on to a stock long block. You can open the non PI versions up to mate up to a PI intake. I think there's more material in the non PI head.
  3. Once ported they are the same head. Why spend the extra money on the core when you achieve the same result in the end?
  4. You will not reach 400whp NA on a 4.6. With upgraded internals and big bore/stroker kit, you would not see 400whp NA. What kind of mods are you doing?
  5. Header wrap works well, but will speed up corrosion considerably. Also, if oil gets into the wrap and catches fire, there is no real good way to put it out for good. Ceramic coating puts off rust, but it will rust through later anyway. If you get your items coated every one or two years they will stand up to the elements a little better. Stainless exhaust is the best way to go. You can wrap SS as well to keep the heat in the pipes.
  6. http://forumimages.somethingawful.com/images/smilies/emot-sheep.gif
  7. http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsystem/emoticons/emot-pwn.gif
  8. http://nikolas.schneidzekk.de/images/ohnoes.jpg
  9. Looks good. I love the way new mechanical items look.
  10. He didn't say we're the only ones who got it, he said we're the only ones entertained by it.
  11. I agree. Maybe this will help.
  12. Won't Neil lube Mai's ass as I am ebullient now? . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . LOL?
  13. STFU Kevin Smith. http://www.kinomag.ru/pix/actors/actor-95.jpg
  14. Where the hell did you get a picture of Jesus? I have seen renderings, but never a picture. Nice find.
  15. Clickity First choice, pretty close IMO: http://www.perryjoshua.com/exchange/Firth.JPG Sixth choice, amazed me, I swear to God I didn't make this up, http://www.perryjoshua.com/exchange/Swayze.JPG So, who do you guys look like?
  16. You are numbers? Retard. Tilley, I hope you make way more than that. After waiting this long, anything will feel fast though.
  17. But will it run Linux?
  18. I have a cracked copy of DVD lab pro. This is a very expensive program and works VERY well. If you are going to be in town I can supply you with the setup and the crack. I think you might even be able to get a copy of the demo for free.
  19. And what is your user name again? Edit: Nice setup Chris.
  20. America is the greatest nation on Earth. Sometimes the people in charge of the laws and policies (and how they are made) do not make the best decisions to keep it that way for the majority of our population. I am of the opinion that we should do things for the common good, but sometimes I am outnumbered. That's fine; I understand how a Democracy works. However, when a poor decision is made by one of our leaders that hurts us as a nation, we should look at that decision objectively. It doesn't matter if we are Republican or Democrat, we should all be working together to find a solution to our common problems. Vetoing federal stem cell research funding may not be the best decision for the majority. Bush thinks abortion is wrong, and like many who feel that way, he thinks that anything related to abortion is bad. I don't think the decision was the right one, nor do I think it was well thought out by him. I also think that we should be fighting terrorists. I don't think we should be in Iraq. It pisses me off that there are groups that put us in danger, but we do nothing because of political ties with the same countries (i.e., money). 1.Five years since a major attack is not indicative of us being ahead of the "bad guys". These people take time to plan out their attacks, and they do it well. How much time was there between the other attacks? A longer lapse may just mean a larger threat to us. How many of the people on our most wanted list have been killed or captured? 2.What have you done that Eric has not to deserve your freedom? The rights and the country you love support Eric's ability to speak his opinion. People have died so that he can say the things you don't agree with. To state he should not be able to is arrogant and ignorant. Maybe you should stick with picking on his spelling. Cliffs notes: Every decision should be an objective one (or as much as possible). Bush may not always make the right decision just because you support him, and he may not always make the wrong decision just because you don't like him.
  21. They are not a union. The SAG is the union dealing with actors, the MPAA is the organization fighting piracy. RIAA is a similar organization.
  22. This is a good thing. We want this.
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