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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. All PMs replied to. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif
  2. I get gas for $2.46 at work, fixed price until Tuesday. Anyone (other than Chris) who wants to make it up to where I live is more than welcome to fill up where I work, you can pay me with cash when you fill up.
  3. Yes. Yes I will. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/icons/icon12.gif
  4. Looking for $8 apiece. If you think it's not worth $8, PM me. If you want to buy a lot at a discount, PM me. If you have any questions, PM me. If movies are listed twice, I have more than one copy. Lucky you. Several titles are not spelled correctly. Let's save time by not pointing that out. Peruse the list, buy a DVD, enjoy it. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/icons/icon7.gif 2001: A Space Odyssey 21 Grams About Last Night Antitrust Apollo 13 Collectors Edition Autumn in New York Bedazzled Blown Away Blue Streak Bridget Jones Edge of Reason Brokedown Palace Bruce Springsteen Video Anthology 1978-2000 Charlies Angels Chicago Clear and Present Danger Conspiracy Theory Darrin's Dance Grooves Days of Thunder Demolition Man Dirty Dancing Dungeons and Dragons Eddie and the Cruisers Elf Erin Brockovich Fearless *Friends Party Edition G.I. Jane Galaxy Quest Glory Honeymoon in Vegas Independence Day Jackie Chan Legend of the Drunken Master King Ralph Lara Croft Tomb Raider Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events Lost in Space Made in America Man on the Moon Master and Comander Me, Myself, and Irene Men in Black Minority Report Miss Congeniality Mission Impossible 2 Music From Another Room Nurse Betty Pearl Harbor Pink Floyd The Wall Point Break Point of No Return Private Benjamin Red Dawn Remember the Titans Revenge Rock Star Runaway Bride Rush Hour 2 Save the Last Dance Say Anything Serendipity Spider-Man Star Wars Phantom Menace Stroker Ace Summer Catch Survivor Season 1 Tango and Cash Taps The Bodyguard The Cutting Edge The Devil's Own The Doors Special Edition The Fifth Element The Fugitive The Green Mile The Long Kiss Goodnight The Messenger The Pacifier The Patriot Special Edition The Perfect Storm The Replacements The Shawshank Redemption The Sixth Sense Titan AE Titanica Tora! Tora! Tora! Under Siege Unforgiven Virus Wild Wild West X-Men Mystic River The Net Passion of the Christ Paycheck Red Lined Santa Clause 2 Save the Last Dance Scary Movie 3 School of Rock Scooby-Doo She’s Having A Baby Signs Sleepaway Camp Something’s Gotta Give Soul Survivors Spider-Man 2 Stark Raving Mad Stepford Wives Stepford Wives - 1975 Taxi Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls American Pie Arachnophobia The Arrival / Arrival II Belly The Blair Witch Project Blade Cabin Boy Chris Cunningham: Directors Label The End Final Destination Ghoulies / Ghoulies II Half Baked Hannibal The Iron Giant I Stand Alone Judgment Night Lost Souls Memento Mudvayne - Dig The Mummy Returns National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Nothing But Trouble Pi Pee-Wee's Big Adventure The Ring Sexy Beast The Simpsons: Treehouse Of Horror Sleepy Hollow Spaceballs Three Amigos Traffic UHF The Way Of The Gun What About Bob?
  5. Haha. Did you do that on purpose? Saying you are going to run someone over is NOT COOL. Ban deserved. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif
  6. You can also set your video acceleration to its lowest setting.
  7. Sometimes you say realy smart things. Sometimes you don't. This is one of those times.
  8. The courts have the responsibility to interpret the U.S. Constitution in specific instances. In 1947, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled: "The 'establishment of religion' clause of the First Amendment means at least this: Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another. Neither can force nor influence a person to go to or to remain away from church against his will or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion. No person can be punished for entertaining or professing religious beliefs or disbeliefs, for church attendance or non-attendance. No tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institutions, whatever they may be called, or whatever from they may adopt to teach or practice religion. Neither a state nor the Federal Government can, openly or secretly, participate in the affairs of any religious organizations or groups and vice versa. In the words of Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect 'a wall of separation between Church and State'." A simple set of criteria is that the government (and by extension public schools) may not: * promote one religion or faith group over any other * promote a religiously based life over a secularly based life * promote a secularly based life over a religiously based life. There is some opposition, particularly among Fundamentalist Christians to this interpretation of the First Amendment by the courts. They feel that the Amendment should be interpreted literally to mean that the government may not raise any one denomination or religion to the status of an official or established religion of the country. They feel that the First Amendment contains no wording that prohibits the government from engaging in certain religious activities, like requiring prayer as part of the schedule at public schools, requiring schools, courts and government offices to post the Ten Commandments, allowing public schools to have organized prayers as an integral part of public school sports events, praying before board of education or municipal government meetings, etc.
  9. I had the same thoughts pretty much. I don't like the idea that kids should not be allowed to pray in school of their own free will. There are some places that have started trying to enforce that, and I think it imposes on their first amendment rights. School sponsored (public school) religion is not something that should be allowed, IMO.
  10. Mensan


    I've heard of fisting, but knee deep? That shit is... Oh fuck it, nevermind.
  11. As the title says, 94-98 Cobra TB. Looking for $50. Excellent shape. Pics later. Eli 614.946.3086 elihoff23@yahoo.com
  12. I have a sales brochure from the dealership. Anyone want it? Perfect shape.
  13. Wait...No, wait...Who posted this?.... That's awesome. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/icons/icon10.gif
  14. Everybody knows the --> http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/icons/icon5.gif <-- is a link, right?
  15. http://spamusement.com/gfx/246.gif http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/icons/icon5.gif
  16. For future reference, this area is for technical related questions. I would consider yours a general question, and you may receive more responses posting here.
  17. Oh irony of ironies...YOU CAN'T SPELL intellect. http://www.perryjoshua.com/Exchange/LOLZ.jpg
  18. If it's a cold day, why would I need suntan lotion and an Ice Cream machine? You suck at site admin AND insults. No wonder you and Joe get along. Now all he needs to do is break his car and you guys will be like the Bobsey twins.
  19. Alright buddy. I'll just bide my time until you're "let go" from this position as well.
  20. Fuck you Chris. I talked to Ant and he told me a lot of what you said on the phone about CR was incorrect. So, in essence, the guy running the show doesn't know what he's doing. You told me on the phone that CR is no longer about racing. Is that correct? What other inane bullshit would you like to spout off? In your relationship with Joe, I guess we know who's the bitch. If you and Ant take that stance I have no qualms about standing aside and letting you guys do your thing. If this opinion is shared by Ant, I will stand aside, and you guys can continue to do the swell job of Administering this site that you have been doing.
  21. Time for you to understand how the process works then. Anthony and I will fix what we agree is wrong with CR. So, sit back and let the adults talk, and then do as Anthony says. Remember, you'll be carrying out what we want done, and you won't be involved in any of the decision making process. All you do is moderate. Poorly. KNOW YOUR ROLE.
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