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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. Joe, what the fuck is your point? What is it you're trying to do or say that has any bearing on the current conversation? When you have an insult that pertains to the matter at hand, get back to me. Something better than "It's not my fault xxxx", or "At least I don't xxxxx". I mean, come on, we've been out of high school for about 10 years now. You should be able to come up with something decent. Should.
  2. awesome! exclamation points make my motives clear!
  3. LOL...I was just kidding on the first 4...
  4. Working on it. You guys gonna rub weiners?
  5. Godsmack Monster Magnet Tool Audioslave Justin Timberlake
  6. http://www.kontek.net/LizardDude/JoyMod.JPG
  7. No, the site still sucks. It's broken, and needs fixed. I am not here to contribute positively in any way to the board until the shit is right. I will point out every shortcoming along the way. I typed up a response to anyone with a comment about my posting here, but I can sum it all up with eat a dick and mind your fucking business.
  8. I can help you out if you want. I know a little bit about electricity. You should have my number.
  9. Did you want to ask for help with the electrical problem in your house when youwork with electricity for a living. Ask me why I'm back, then pound fucking sand. Asshole. Edit: You should quit now while you're ahead. Do you really want to start shit with me again? It didn't turn out so well last time. We done?
  10. We get 10% off at sears, even heavily discounted and clearance items. Look around, and if you want something contact me.
  11. Mensan

    2000+ HP Viper

    HP is a function of torque. It is a little difficult to do the math since they decided to use mph instead of RPM, but I will walk you through this anyway. Lets take a sample of the HP/TQ numbers at any section of the graph. I pick 108mph. At this point, we have the HP curve reaching 1500whp. The tq reading is 1260. When we do the math, that equates to 6250rpm. Lets move to another point on the graph, say 150mph. At this point we have 1200ft/lb, and I calculate the car to be at 8680rpm. That would equal 1983whp. Yes, *W*hp, not CRANK hp. Let me know if this math stuff is over your head. BTW, thats the ugliest fucking car I've ever seen.
  12. Cause this isn't it. This site fucking blows anymore. CR is great if you want to read Jons drunk posts, or sell a ratty ass car, look at bad porn, or see Chris Green flex his E-MUSCLES (RAAAWR). See ya. Real site Real site Real site [ 14. July 2005, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: Aggressor ]
  13. Intake manifold runner control. First used by ford modular engines on the Lincoln Mark VIII.
  14. His brother bought my old car.
  15. Mensan


    Who asked you, squirrel?
  16. LOL: http://mark8.org/users/Eli/1/emot-laugh.gif AND No you didn't!: http://mark8.org/users/Eli/1/emot-nyd.gif
  17. Mensan


    If this were posted by anyone other than *HollyW00t!* I may have given the post some sort of thought. Since it wasn't, all brain functions ceased.
  18. http://mark8.org/users/Eli/1/emot-quagmire.gif
  19. What has been checked? Compression? Plugs? Does that car have an IAC? Has the fuel filter been changed? Whats the fuel pressure?
  20. And in the smallest font possible: Due to increased sales, backorder may be possible, by bidding on the item, you agree that item backorder is alright and we will ship to you as soon as we recieve more from our manufacturing facility. Ask prior to bidding to check product availability.
  21. I used to live out near there; I've seen the place. His motives are questionable. While I do agree that a punishment should be a deterrent to crime, I also believe that sometimes the punishment can outweigh the crime. I'll try to find more info for you guys so you know what I'm talking about.
  22. Insensitive how? No one paid for my education. I am disappointed that he wants a handout. I had to work damn hard to get where I am. We had $600 a month when I grew up, and I'm supposed to feel sorry for Ben because his parents aren't giving him $60K? It's fucked up if they said they were going to and didn't, I'll give you that, but other than that my sympathy is lacking. Ben, honestly, your education will mean much more if you have to pay for it yourself. You will have a better understanding of its value. I wish you the best, and hope it works out.
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