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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. Afterthought: Nobody loves TOOL like Chris Green... (In more ways than one) graemlins/burnout02.gif
  2. This...is...NECESSARY
  3. Mensan

    Fast E55

    The stock AMG hits the 1/4 in 12.4 compared to the 2006 Z06's 11.9, and I would imagine handling and braking to be similar as well. the Z06 has slightly more HP than the Benz, and WAY less torque. The powerband on the MB is superior as well, thanks to the roots blower. Give me the Benz.
  4. Mensan

    Fast E55

    I don't think Eric questioned that, Joe. What Eric meant, I believe, was that you can get most of the performance, and much more comfort and utility out of the Benz. The Z06 is nice, but if you had the money to throw around, the Benz would make a preferrable daily. That was the same mentality I had when I bought my Lincoln, and I'm sure it was the same when Eric bought his T-Bird (Which isn't bad if you're poor tongue.gif ). Some people may not agree with the mentality it takes to appreciate the Benz more, but that's where our CR diversity comes in. FWIW, the Benz is mostly stock.
  5. Thanks for that. graemlins/thumb.gif Edit:That wire loom is ugly though. I won't take that back.
  6. According to the CIA World Factbook Brazil has the ninth largest economy in the world at purchasing power parity in 2004. Brazil has a diversified middle income economy with wide variations in levels of development. The Cardoso administration has introduced to Congress a series of constitutional reform proposals to replace a state-dominated economy with a market-oriented one and to restructure all levels of government on a sound fiscal basis. Congress has approved several amendments to open the economy to greater private sector participation, including foreign investors. By the end of last year, Brazil's privatization program, which included the sale of steel and telecommunications firms, had generated proceeds of more than $90 billion. Hardly a third world country. Brazil isn't overseas.
  7. Ask her if you can use a third party agent. It isn't uncommon to do. The third party will hold the money until you receive your goods, and they can be located in Brazil. The lady with the dog can choose the agency and you will verify they are acceptable. Failure to agree to this, or any option other than Western Union means it is not worth your time. Good luck. Don't wire any money to her.
  8. Mensan

    Who are you?

    Hello. I like ice cream.
  9. Mensan


    So we can drive our own cars, with our own gas, to your house, at 11 P.M. on a monday night, and bring our own drinks? Thanks?
  10. The job is for UPS systems. I have no idea what the wage is, but it looks as if the posistion will be filled by employees kids. I don't agree with the decision, but hey, that's life. I will let you guys know if they open it publicly.
  11. w00t! Teh OGRE has my back! So, on an unrelated note, which pic loads faster? Pic A OR Pic B
  12. Eric = slow car/fast driver Ben = fast car/slow driver
  13. I have a very specific reason for buying this car, and it will never, EVER, be fast. I'm saving that for my next car. Plans are in the works.
  14. AND LOWER IT!!! Thanks for all the responses guys, and seriously, it only looks this good because of what Andy did for me. [/plug]
  15. That's better. graemlins/thumb.gif
  16. Jesus can't roll over in his grave. It's empty.
  17. Guess I have to change my name. Had my car detailed, mainly to get rid of some overspray that was on it. Someone had painted something white very near my car, and there were little white dots all over it. I had also used some touch up paint, and then wet sanded to blend it in, so there were patches that didn't match the rest of the paint. No more. Also realize this car has 103K miles. Pics: http://www.perryjoshua.com/Exchange/2.png http://www.perryjoshua.com/Exchange/5.png http://www.perryjoshua.com/Exchange/6.png http://www.perryjoshua.com/Exchange/7.png Many, many thanks to Andy and his mobile Zaino detailing. i would highly recommend his services to anyone on the board who wants their car to look its best. Thanks Andy! graemlins/thumb.gif
  18. Way to maintain a professional attitude to new members while being a moderator ASSHOLE. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif Why don't you give some constructive advice, or offer to help a 'stang brother out?
  19. Isn't that what I said?
  20. It is no fault unless the cop sees the guy run a red light. I didn't believe it either until I actually asked a cop. If you can get the guy to admit it, so be it.
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