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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. Mensan


    Miles (RandomNization) plays. He loves it. Regardless of the reason for it, it gets him out of the house and meeting people. Most video game nerds are recluses, this is more social.
  2. I don't agree. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a direct threat to the United States by placing missiles just off of our coast during escalating tensions, weakening our ability to defend our own country. While this is seen as a rising threat, I don't think it's the same thing.
  3. Tonight I just got done watching Bellflower. I'm not really sure how to describe it, and I was kind of blown away. After watching it, I kind of feel like this is what Drive hoped to achieve. The movie starts out a bit slow...Not as slow as Drive did, and builds to a climax. There's a lot going on in the meantime. I went into this blind, and I would recommend doing the same. If you want to watch the trailer, I have embedded it. I purposely did not post this in Pics and Vids because the trailer posted is secondary to this being a movie review/recommendation. This is where I intend this post to stay.
  4. I did this with 5/3; I told the bank in advance that I wanted to sell the car. The bank sent the title to the local branch; the buyer gave the bank the money, the bank gave the buyer a signed and notarized title. Super easy.
  5. One of Porsche's original design criteria was to be able to fit a set of clubs in the car. Most people can fit theirs in the front boot but they have to put the woods in the interior (they made the boot smaller when impact ratings changed in the US). The front boot has an amazing amount of storage.
  6. I'm waiting for a positive result before updating again. Still waiting. I'm giving this guy the benefit of the doubt.
  7. Subaru engine work huh? Hmmm, I have someone's name around here...
  8. In any situation a lease will cost more than ownership, but the expense will be more manageable because it is the same monthly rate. Is this what you want?
  9. Welcome. Excellent intro. You'll still get shit for not posting pics. I forgive you though.
  10. Ah, so you misspoke? The cost of ownership of an exotic should be taken into account if you decide to buy one. It FAR exceeds the cost of buying the car.
  11. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1179568&postcount=3 From This thread
  12. Check out these two so far. I'll try and do some more research as well. http://www.insurance.ohio.gov/Consumer/OCS/Pages/OCSPubIndexTab3.aspx http://www.ohioquotes.com/latest-news/ohio-self-employed-health-insurance-a31.html
  13. Greg summed it up perfectly. Perfectly. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=695&pictureid=5561
  14. I agree, which is why I post shit like this: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1753432&postcount=11 BUT...When the man comes onto CR and asks for help repeatedly, and the people who help him are ignored in lieu of terrible decisions, then those people get frustrated.
  15. Read any or all of the following and tell me a trip to Disney is a good idea for this family (the children are 4 and 1 years old). The suspension is falling out of my car. Should I keep driving it? This is the car he currently owns, and will keep driving...NEXT TO PEOPLE...So his family can spend thousands on a trip to Disney. My exhaust is falling off as I drive. What should I do? My suspension is broken. Should I fix it? I can't afford it. My car needs new tires but I can only spend about $40 total for both. What do you mean 'safety'? My clutch pedal drops to the floor My wife is in agonizing pain, but we're hesitant to go see a Dr. I just got a new car, which is falling apart, to carry my family around We are looking at moving into my grandmothers house because rent is only $250 I had 7 more threads picked out...But honestly, this should be enough.
  16. Member is currently doing everything possible to make this situation right. I will update soon.
  17. Mensan


  18. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=695&pictureid=5565 I think it's an OK buy for $3500. You can take it home for 2500 I bet if you negotiate well, 2800 is where I would set my mind going in.
  19. Aircraft? When I was in the military (Navy, non-aircraft), our primary GTGs (propulsion) were GE, secondary (generation) were Allison.
  20. Mensan


    I think production and upgrades are determined based on what you previously had; I have all upgrades and more items than you and am producing much, much less; in addition, my cost of items far exceeds yours.
  21. Guy paints some very realistic paintings of himself, color me impressed. Opinions? http://i.imgur.com/N5d9rOR.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ESKqrhj.jpg http://i.imgur.com/h72dp9r.jpg
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