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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. Mensan

    tonight 01/25

    I'm in! http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=695&pictureid=5585
  2. Mensan


    Tax rate on a win like that is 40%...Did they pay the tax for you? A coworker won a Harley and got a huge surprise in April when they told him to cough up $8K.
  3. Go to the Jimmy Johns in Dublin and ask for Mike Ernst. Do NOT tell him I sent you.
  4. Delivery drivers make close to 20/hr
  5. Mensan


    Post up some screenshots.
  6. The update is the battery was at end of life. An AGM battery, when starting to go bad, will read around 12V when under no load. When a load is placed across the battery, it can drop significantly in voltage. Sometimes this is due to sulfur crystals forming on the plates (which happens in storage to all lead acid batteries, old people thought concrete floors drained the battery), sometimes it is due to an insufficient amount of plate material inside the battery (use/age). Regardless, there is no way for the chemical process to occur in the battery, which produces voltage. AGM batteries last 3-5 years unless they are in the perfect environment, I've seen them last for up to 7. That's pretty rare.
  7. I'm glad you got so many good years with him. I know what you're going through. Sorry to hear about it.
  8. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=553&pictureid=6865
  9. I know a guy with a Dan's Deli food cart that grosses 125K+ a yr.
  10. Mensan


  11. Mensan


    Yuck. Barley's is SOOOO much better.
  12. Mensan


    No it really doesn't. Five Guys has better Hot dogs than Wholly Joe's. Truth. Edit: Erica, does your avatar have nipples?
  13. I knew that too I have very rarely taken issue with anything you've posted. (almost)
  14. Interesting query chap! Let's ask an expert: https://www.google.com/#hl=en&tbo=d&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=why+ever+ask+a+question+on+any+forum+when+Google+can+do+it+all+for+us%3F&oq=why+ever+ask+a+question+on+any+forum+when+Google+can+do+it+all+for+us%3F&gs_l=hp.12...2032.2032.0.3923.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1357316858,d.aWc&fp=224ee6a359f9a852&biw=1680&bih=967 Hmmm...Let's take a look at that second link!
  15. I agree that the correct use of CCW to save lives is a good thing, but I am also empathetic and don't want any crime committed in the first place. I will (almost) never refer to someone being shot as 'great' or 'excellent' news. It isn't, for either party. It is a tragedy, the only positive being this man will most likely not try and rob anyone else, if indeed he did in the first place.
  16. Ohio law states - "The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security; but standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be kept up; and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power. If he used the gun when the person was no longer a threat, and the person was no longer committing a crime, then he is a murderer, and wasn't defending SHIT. IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE LOL And yes, if the person committed a crime then that cost to house them needs to be added to whatever budget that comes out of, since those criminals are also guaranteed the right to trial by due process. Everyone here who values their rights should understand why we have them, and not be happy when someone abuses the law using the rights we hold dear (which should be ALL of them). Edit:If the guy is still alive, then remove 'murder' and what not and replace it with whatever applies.
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