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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. Wow they are pretty good....
  2. If its not the same number its not the same number. #'s dont lie
  3. Cancel that Anna just called she is getting us there for MTVU spring break march 6th to the 11th:bangbang: Jesus another spring break...
  4. I once bought a car in cash left the dealership then wrapped it around a telephone pole. I went back to dealership and complained cause I bought it there. :asshole: Honestly , VW/Audi do not give in to easy to this. there needs to be service records and proof that you did not do this yourself. One thing that they will bring up is Winter/salt and the up keep of your car. If you win this battle my hat is off to you but this will be a tuffy. I see people come into work all day with chrome wheels and they are peeling, They go back to the dealership and complain cause there 2008 cts-v rims are peeling and they look at the customer and say if you brought all your work to us we would replace them but you voided that by having someone else do the work instead. Even if the place they take it to is more qualified than that of where said car was purchased....
  5. "at least people know who the fuck we are" " wanna here the mating call?" as he shakes a pill bottle filled with uppers. Legit Documentary.
  6. Here are my requirements. Does not have to be a large sq ft place. Suburb of Columbus, Farther away the better love to stay on the West or North side. I want a garage, Bigger the better. Attached is a plus. Last on the list is Town House and apt's Renting a house with neighbors not close is a huge plus. Does not have to be big I'll only be there a year or two while searching for a house to buy in about a year or two. Right now I live out in Plain City and I love it. However a roommate just moved out and the rent sky rocketed to almost $750 with utilities. For that kind of money I can have my own place and wanna pay even more since its my own place and I'm not sharing it with anyone. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. http://www.cheetahsofwindsor.com/aboutus.html
  8. Goto the cheetah, My fist time there I saw a guy lay down on the stripper stage and she picked up a looney out of his mouth with VAGINA.. ............
  9. If you still got em after the first i'll take em. Kinda always wanted to build some cool racing seats for our garage
  10. 99 cent flat black spray paint with shiny black flames = win
  11. can you send me pics of seats to my phone number
  12. Majestic turbo in Texas is fucking legit,
  13. #2 is legit they are popping up everywhere
  14. I wonder what they get paid Id do it/
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