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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. Sorry Dude Im putting a stock trans in the VW and letting it sit. You can try my new whip mid summer........
  2. Keep em and work out a deal with derrick to switch em out every season.
  3. Did someone say Vette?. Put another trans in the VW and sell it. Will have something with an LS1 Im gonna buy my truck, start my property MGMT company, Profit, Save, Buy a house. Im going after the Bitches and hangin out at the lake with Team Bunny Ranch all summer. Fuck hangin out with dudes..
  4. " Hey peter Man checkout the mail man he just hit your mailbox"
  5. Not to mention animal s getting into trash and shit. If I had kids Id say the same thing he said. On top of that if you own a house or had something of that value you would think everyone would show a lil respect to each other. But this is America and I pay for fat fucks and drug addicts to eat on the 1st and 15th of each month. FML
  6. Rhett and I will be in attendance...... In MurderSubie
  7. Either way lots O Boobies on the lake this summer, I wanna get another ski so me and Linn can race each other all day.. Sammy Ranch
  8. If no one has one call my store ask for me and I'll look at our used rack see what we have in ATM 7714654
  9. Those guys are not ricers... Brotherhood of street racing put on some legit stuff.
  10. Compliments go a loooooooooong way.
  11. However, Im not saying Im a bad ass but in order to stay infront of myself on making sure I do have rest I always work out every other day never back to back. My cardio and your cardio seem to be on different sides of the map yet still the same. Burn calories, stay lean. I eat almost whatever I want still pumping in protein like it my job. Recovery is hard for me cause the same muscles I just worked out the night before are getting hammered on the next day at work every day..... I would squat but........ Im on the Playbo/summer workout. Just upper body and chicken legs:cool:
  12. Fuck i totally forgot about the seatss....
  13. You prolly do not have a job like mine that makes your cardio workout look like the game candy land..... I climb more flights of steps in a day than you do in a month.
  14. Feels good to get compliments, Super hot girl I havnt seen in about 8 months told me my arms were getting larger. That made my day. Anyone got progress pics? I think today after the gym I may post two. Ive been doing cardio and Abs everyday I am at the GYM "3-4 days" along with lifting and the results are slowly showing. Im stoked with whats happening to my body but now Its time to change my workout and do all new stuff.... Shocking your body is a hard thing to do!
  15. Fuck sounds like we drive that bish down there give iut to cory return in a week from his place from miami and drive home , swap complete
  16. P&P Personally met and seen his work, Radness!
  17. Everyone has there own opinion but this is a hell of a setup and quite a large purse for some rice burners. Not to mention looks like they picked a unprepped spot and just raced all day...
  18. Now thats a girl id marry, Pics and Ill lock it in
  19. See my sig, Moorespeed No need for you to add a cat if you dont want to, Depends if you want stainless or mild steel
  20. I love mine but its an Auto, great gas mileage. Handles well in the snow.
  21. +1 Porter Robinson is LEGIT
  22. Currently @ 186. did my best last week at the GYM Repped 65lb dumbbells 3 sets 4 reps. Aww yeah <<< Pauly d Voice.
  23. So this year we got the idea from one of the girls that was with us on our Panama city trip to goto Vegas. Tues we will be locking it in and booking our flight trip and hotel. We will be there from the 6-10th in March, Staying at The Palms @ the casino side not the condos. http://www.vegasluxurycondosales.com/images/Palm001.JPG http://www.finehomeslv.com/palms_hotel_las_vegas/palms-place-hotel.jpg We will be traveling with 4 girls along with Dover, Rhett,My old roommate and his best friend and myself. Meeting up with 4 more girls when we get there. We already know from the girls being there in order to get in anywhere we will need them to skip lines and such so they got our back we will have two girls too each guy in the group. My Questions is what and where? We will do the obvious like appear on MTV and party at the Palms but... I wanna go too a sweet Techno club, see Pawn Stars and walk and drink on the strip. But what else is there I mean Its Vegas the fun can only extend as deep as your pockets?
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