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Posts posted by Tinman

  1. think if i put my gen coupe into a wall.... it will be covered under insurance?



    You can purchase seasonal or even single event HPDE insurance, not sure on the cost but considering how seldom damage occurs in HPDE, I would imagine it's affordable.

  2. Competition is a relative thing. I was able to lap at 1:43.9 in the Mazdaspeed 3. I believe the M3 will be faster. Most cars in C and D are slower than that, but if someone with a truly prepped car comes, then they can get down to 1:41 or so. I have not seen him in a while, but Bill Brees has a Mazdaspeed Protege that he drove to a 1:42.8 last year in TTD.


    I am usually happy to be faster than the TTE crowd. That is where the competition really is.


    According to the entry list Bill will be there in the Protege.


    You are right about the competition in TTE, that is the class I drove in last year. Seemed to be at least 5 cars in TTE at every event.

  3. Max, learn to spell my name. Its Okami.


    I will be there in the M3 in TTD. I'm coming for ya Tinman.



    Damn, maybe I should work harder on getting my car up to it's TTD weight. I was planning on running TTC untill Mid Ohio, but all the competition appears to be in D :(

  4. You were my age once, money doesn't grow on trees :)


    I would love to race on a track, funds don't allow it.


    NASA has a great volunteer program, work one event and race for half price at the next, or work two and race for free. Plus you get almost three hours of track time per weekend, a little better than what you get at the local lots.

  5. This isn't really a big deal, look how many weekends tracks have NOTHING going on. If it wasn't for these shows on the off weekends tracks would be even tighter on money than they already are....


    What about some of the vintage weekends where cars putter around the track in parade laps just to check it out and get some good pictures?


    It's an automobile facility, a place for car people to get together.


    Coming from a guy that races on parking lots I can see why you would think it's okay to park on a race track.


    Sorry, couldn't resist the irony :)








    OMG, look, another day wasted when cars could be racing. And for a nice bonus, look at all the potential oil and coolant spots left behind to danger the people who choose to use the surface for it's intended purpose.


    Park hard my friend :p

  7. See, I should have done more research!

    I appreciate you chiming in with the information. $130 is very reasonable for the fun it should provide.


    Just need to get off work..;)




    Do it!


    I have an extra helmet if you need one.


    Last year Nelson Ledges started their own "school". You will get some classroom time with a very experienced professional driver and he will lead the group around the track for the first session. Not quite what NASA offers but a great and cheap way to try things out and see if you wish to progress. In addition I am willing to ride along with certain individuals that I feel safe with to help and give pointers to.

  8. No luck at Best Buy or any local car audio shops. Ended up with the one from Jeg's that Dave posted, cost a little more and had to find a 5 volt power source from the ECU instead of using the 12 volts I already had wired in. But she's alive and well.


    Jesse, I could use some help hanging doors and laying the windshield in at some point this weekend.

  9. So another journalist with little to no driving talent destroys a car and immediately tries to place blame on anything he can. Couldn't be his fault, he works for Car and Driver:jerkit:


    Anyone who plans to do more than a few laps around a road course should plan on upgrading fluid and pads no matter what they are driving or how much it cost. Brake pads up to the task of heavy track duty are miserable on the street. They make noise, kill rotors, and don't perform when cold. An auto manufacturer couldn't sell a car with pads like that.


    Back to the journalist, Pads don't just stop working, there are many warning signs. If he is unable to detect the brakes going away he needs to stay off the track and stick to reviewing minivans. And who's to say he wasn't over working the brakes in the first place? Poor driving is the number one cause of brake fade.

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