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Everything posted by Sturg1647545502

  1. http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18zxky50tcypyjpg/original.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18zyjaxkeh43djpg/original.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18zyogy78hv2fjpg/ku-medium.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18zyjkymya0vgjpg/ku-medium.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18zykh4u7abpojpg/ku-xlarge.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18zyofwpr70j5jpg/ku-xlarge.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18zyjmrr1ulh6jpg/ku-xlarge.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18zyklcrgbw1jjpg/ku-xlarge.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18zyno0etc200jpg/ku-medium.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18zyjb7fl7giqjpg/ku-xlarge.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18zytkxu2p34xjpg/ku-xlarge.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18zyj79dcppiyjpg/ku-xlarge.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18zzgtb1pqomojpg/ku-xlarge.jpg
  2. http://img.pandawhale.com/48157-eagle-American-flag-erection-g-UWwR.gif
  3. http://d3fsqtc6sy2z27.cloudfront.net/uploads/1b105e159d3f56c905b1fedbdb8f343d_large
  4. So when they find your well tenderized remains at ground level they know you were a tard?
  5. nope http://twistedsifter.com/2013/09/cliffside-plank-path-hua-shan-china/
  6. other than rankings and teams that play weak teams in week 1 I dont know who to pick or when to pick them
  7. I wish, at least then i'd have an idea about what i was doing. Its my first year playing and our draft is coming up on tuesday. Feel like i'm cramming for a final:confused:
  8. good job you just broke google. this is why we cant have nice things. http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk57/snowdoc83/maltese_zps702038ef.jpg
  9. Das borgen seal of approval http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lrpurlZRjG1qj2t0po1_500.jpg
  10. :nws: for blurry man ass. make sure to watch the ending.
  11. I'm sure its just as outstanding as you remember it; eating fish every night(blue gill, pike, small & largemouth bass, and of course walleye), hiked in a cooler packed with venison steaks and dry ice, seeing a bald eagle at least 10 times, aurora borealis, night fishing, drunken flair gun firings, amazing sunsets and rises, hiking, day canoe trips, bonfires, good cigars and drinks every night and top tier people. It was great and ill make sure to post pics once they're cleaned up. heres a teaser.
  12. Coming to work, Joe Dirte Dont try and church it up son, don't you mean Joe Dirt
  13. So i went camping/canoeing/fishing up in Boundary Waters MN and met up with another group of guys who drove up in a chipped 2003 7.3 excursion that got 22 mpg hauling 5 guys and 7 days worth of gear. I dont need anything that big but i like the "progamability" and longevity of diesels. The only thing im looking for is a king cab and a short or regular bed. I dont need to haul much other than motorcycles, camping snow and trip gear. In considering used, what should i start looking at?
  14. i would've poked that assholes' eye out
  15. So who knows a guy who'll sell a seasons worth of balls on the cheap. Fuck paying 5-10 a sleeve, im talking about the guy who goes snorkeling in ponds and sells by the plastic grocery bag. short of packing an extra carry on from FL im out of ideas.
  16. Its new and most new/foreign things looks like shit. What i can't stand is the view from behind....but it kind of suits the idea; if you lose you're forced to look at that ugly rear end. That being said it'll grow on me. SRT viper has got my vote hands down in the looks department.
  17. Hats off to Scotty for treating me and the wife to VIP tickets to Mid Ohio this past Sunday! Without knowing the guy I asked how much and he wouldn't answer anything but free for 2 all day passes! All the goofy CR bullshit aside he embodies what a local common interest forum like this really is about. Thanks again!
  18. OLD MAN ON AOL STATUS ACHIEVED. http://static4.businessinsider.com/image/51fa7d5decad048e3b000011/johnny-knoxville-punks-real-people-as-bad-grandpa-in-new-jackass-feature-film.jpg
  19. i though the same thing. "thats not mickey mouse thats TIT DIRT!"
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