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Everything posted by Sturg1647545502

  1. :nws: for language, puppet violence, illicit drug use by a puppet, puppet on human sexual content (bestiality?) and about 3 nipples (although i'm pretty sure its the same nipple shown in 3 different situations)
  2. <3 that statement. it never gets old.
  3. That first hit head on...axial loading his c-spine like that. I was waiting to see him do the Christopher Reeves
  4. bleh. and i bet you had that dull pitting feeling in your gut. when i watched your sisters video one of the things i noticed was how quickly that went down. door opened, he rolled out and started letting round go in what? 2 seconds? and how it seemingly came out of no where.
  5. not to take away from your sisters story but in the realm of traffic stop shootings here is the West Memphis PD incident involving the father and son duo from Ohio. it picks up at 5:50
  6. what about the imbedded video doesn't work police? damn ninja edit
  7. CR previous thread search? i don't even...
  8. A few cop buddies have been talking up the s&w shield as a secondary weapon like non other. Sounds like there a lot of CCW people here, anyone spent a good amount of time with one?
  9. Mt. Carmel is doing another round of hiring and are looking for techs/EMTs, medics, and staff nurses in the ED. Full time, part time and causal spots are available. PM if interested. To anyone considering nursing as a new career... getting a hospital job before or while you're in nursing school is a great may to land contacts and prospective jobs. :nod: https://www.healthcaresource.com/thmchs/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.categoryList&template=dsp_job_categories.cfm
  10. I would be a lot less suicidal in the mornings if i could always wake up to that video.
  11. give dirty clothes to wife, gf, mother, sister, random woman on the street....why is this even an issue? http://bit.ly/sVtqF6
  12. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view6/2469173/hangover-in-the-face-o.gif
  13. http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk57/snowdoc83/normal_272200770851_zps343ade81.jpg
  14. I LOL'ed http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/056/962/normal_272200770851.jpg
  15. I too will need a carpet hook up with in the month....getting ready to sell.
  16. Welcome, lets see some photos of what you're working with!
  17. id shoot up a center for ants
  18. That's not nearly enough gsws. Im not saying its not suspect numero uno, but he needs 20-30 more holes.
  19. Boston PD scanner http://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/6254/web
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