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Everything posted by Sturg1647545502

  1. Chicago is close, NYC and Phillie are an option....stay and park in NJ if you want to cut costs and take the train in and out of the city. New Buffalo MI is a vacation spot for people who live in CHI. its a beach/lake town on lake MI with everything you would expect. beaches, kayak/bike rental,sand dunes, ice cream shop with a delorian(see below) but there is a park and ride that allows you to take a train directly into CHI. get a cabin in new buffalo and designate a full day to spend in CHI and spend the rest of your time relaxing. If you really want to live it up stop off for a few hours in Gary IN http://g.co/maps/qee9n http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/39219_10100233312626545_12435366_58125640_5379476_n.jpg
  2. just because someone tells you a vehicle with 250k is worth 12,000 doesn't make it so.
  3. ive never heard of hare scrambles...do they hit multiple places around ohio or just one place?
  4. shit, ive had multiple concussions annnnnnnddddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmm oooookkkeargte'j;gb l;aejhr
  5. brb, dressing up as a terrorist to go see it in person
  6. mrjsplatt would buy...and nothing else in his life would change for the better
  7. I'm going to put as much effort into telling you how bad your intro is as you put into it. Hi I'm Sturg, a friend of CR, and that was bad. here is how i would describe your posts http://postimage.org/image/6io0prjod/
  8. Excellent intro, Welcome to CR
  9. Theyre continuing the initiative today with added omvi check points
  10. if you get called in from the air, there is no way in hell you're getting out of a ticket.
  11. stand by, we'll take this one step at a time. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120518053857AAreXcM
  12. Can we get a SITREP the current state of his Jimmies?
  13. this. 71 is notorious for air support. especially on a clear day like today
  14. http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lslpofUMGH1qz7swqo1_500.jpg
  15. it is actually. Police and Fire are much busier in the warmer months than the winter. Just like police and fire are busier on the . We are also entering what's dubbed "trauma season". just the facts, bruh
  16. I heard the "weaker" everclear brand, 150-160 proof, is now for sale in Ohio. Just as everyone else has said you can get the real deal out of state or on a military base.
  17. Amazing responses; this is exactly the kind of feed back i was looking for.
  18. I know right.. I was just as suprised (mom is a photographer and I've wanted a camera for years). If I return it ill get another camera. broke it out last night and played with it a bit but won't madge a decision before I read the manual.
  19. ah, let me explain. I got it as a gift and its returnable. I realize everyone has an opinion about what they prefer to use and im looking for opinions on this model. since its here, in my possession, im pretty much looking for a damning testimony that would cause me to return it.
  20. Picked up a Nikon 1. Any opinions on it?
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