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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. http://www.stumpyoriginals.com/i/Stumpy%20Product/Complaint_Department.JPG
  2. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f184/sunbunny64tex/Subliminal/complaint.jpg
  3. I used to have code words/sayings for when I was masturbating too... Now I just say "I'm masturbating"
  4. Well, I am married to a girl.... but I am single for the guys
  5. what have I missed???? I thought I saw a car I know from here on ebay, but that is probably speculation, falcificationization The Kitchen is my homez.. I missed it.
  6. I'm just sayin... buttsecks anyone?
  7. $6k was the buy back/salvage title price. I have one pic, but its at work, will post it later.... when you see it, it doesnt "seem" that bad....
  8. thanks guys... but unfortunately for me, someone offered $6k for the salvage title to the car to the insurance, which drove the cost for repair too high, and they are declaring the car a total loss only positive is I am being fairly compensated for the car, but still, a rare car just got more rare.... i feel like a murderer,
  9. Thanks Chris, i will contact them today... I have also started looking for front clips (minus motor)
  10. I am looking for some parts, and thought maybe one of you would know where to look locally, not having much luck on the normal rx7 forums.... I need a core support, drivers side fender, bumper rebar, driver's side headlamp assembly and cover... you guys know anyone parting an FD? Basically, I had a fender bender... and need to replace some parts!
  11. any of you guys make it? I thought it was a pretty good event.... dyno dynamics mobile dyno, burnout comp was funny, test n tune drag racing w/ some fast cars... and of course watched a 2nd gen rx7 mack the wall in the drift competition... to be followed by him going down to the grid area, getting the car back in running condition, then go back out for rnd 2, lol
  12. I heard the additional news... sorry guys, this really is going to be a long process. -edit: sorry, didnt realize there was already 2 threads (closed) on the subject. and after reading them, all I can think of is how easy it is to judge from the outside looking in, and easy to criticise, when not actually in the situation... didnt any of you ever learn, he who casts the first stone should declare that he is not without sin.
  13. yea, i didnt think about posting it up on the forums until today, lol
  14. I will be at Kil Kare tomorrow running the 2008 car, we will also have the 2006 car out. I also heard Cedarville was bringing their car. So come out race, come out to watch, it should be fun IT IS FREE TO WATCH, $30 to race. goes from 9am to around 4pm. If you go, come introduce yourself. (I'll be the tall one, lol)
  15. Sorry to hear it guys, good luck!... just an FYI, the story made the local news (newspaper) in Cincinnati as well
  16. I know its a killer deal, the problem is I have to use the money right now for wedding and honeymoon payment... (we are paying ourselves, and fiance has wine taste on beer budget, lol)
  17. fuck! just a few months too early!
  18. the budget varies, and you can tell it by the look of the cars... 'theoretically' you should be able to build one in the $15k range. However, the actual build cost of these cars is much higher. Some teams spend around $25k, and TU Graz w/ full Red Bull Racing sponsorship has been heard of spending well over the 6 figure mark... Our 2007 car had around $70k in it, if you include full price for parts we bought from sponsors, full price for machined parts, donated parts/machine time/equipment, and dont even get me started if you include labor price.
  19. http://lh6.ggpht.com/racingmaniac/SDHglis-ThI/AAAAAAAAAPk/QNHpVrx9H1s/OthersFSAE_062.JPG?imgmax=640 http://lh3.ggpht.com/racingmaniac/SDHg0ys-T6I/AAAAAAAAASw/jW4tld3fzRQ/OthersFSAE_083.JPG?imgmax=640 http://lh3.ggpht.com/racingmaniac/SDHg7ys-UHI/AAAAAAAAAUY/4ZzjJNvfASQ/OthersFSAE_096.JPG?imgmax=640 probably the most badass looking car was the Red Bull sponsored TU Graz (Italy) http://lh4.ggpht.com/racingmaniac/SDHg-Cs-UMI/AAAAAAAAAVA/KQItV6qj6uE/OthersFSAE_101.JPG?imgmax=640 http://lh6.ggpht.com/racingmaniac/SDHhCis-UVI/AAAAAAAAAWI/gb1wokwFtPg/OthersFSAE_110.JPG?imgmax=640 http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c142/tviper2005/FSAE2008/IMG_1113.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c142/tviper2005/FSAE2008/IMG_1023.jpg Links to tons more pictures (and where these came from)... http://picasaweb.google.com/racingmaniac/FormulaSAE2008 http://bucchi.smugmug.com/FSAE%20AT%20MIS http://evilengineering.com/gallery/v/SAE/FSAE/FSAE08/
  20. http://bucchi.smugmug.com/photos/298479957_bKwmx-L.jpg http://bucchi.smugmug.com/photos/298507666_Efexw-L.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/racingmaniac/SDHgPis-S2I/AAAAAAAAAKI/Z-NLb3eHgWg/OthersFSAE_019.JPG?imgmax=640 http://lh3.ggpht.com/racingmaniac/SDHgNys-SzI/AAAAAAAAAJw/2tfjvFbPO00/OthersFSAE_016.JPG?imgmax=640 http://lh3.ggpht.com/racingmaniac/SDHgQys-S5I/AAAAAAAAAKg/CYDAniq6uQ8/OthersFSAE_022.JPG?imgmax=640 http://lh5.ggpht.com/racingmaniac/SDHgXSs-TFI/AAAAAAAAAMA/wVaEhtNTAlM/OthersFSAE_034.JPG?imgmax=640
  21. http://evilengineering.com/gallery/d/24850-2/IMG_4307.JPG http://evilengineering.com/gallery/d/24859-2/IMG_4642.JPG http://evilengineering.com/gallery/d/24889-2/IMG_4967.JPG Clemson car said "OM NOM NOM NOM" http://evilengineering.com/gallery/d/24895-2/IMG_5179.JPG http://evilengineering.com/gallery/d/24901-2/IMG_5238.JPG http://bucchi.smugmug.com/photos/298482321_JN7UB-L.jpg
  22. So here are some of the other pics from the race weekend, like I said, there were some badass cars there. UC did very well, had problems on Friday w/ autox (which cost us poll position for enduro), accel (short drag race), and skidpad (think small tight figure 8's) due to power loss from over restricting the muffler (sound issues). They took the restriction out and increased the tailpipe length to get the sound down to passing levels (< 110dBa) and open the exhaust up, which brought back all the power that was lost the day before. Doing so made the team fast again for Enduro (20 lap race of 22km) and resulted in the 5th fastest endurance time, bringing the team to an overall finish of 10th place. (Based on our times, doing some benchracing math, if we had not had the problems, we probably would have finished 4th or 5th overall.) Article that Winding Road made about the event (not highly accurate, but good informative read none-the-less) http://news.windingroad.com/motorsports/formula-sae-championship-like-racing-in-the-%e2%80%9860s/ Anyways enough of the talk, on too the cool stuff... http://evilengineering.com/gallery/d/24845-2/IMG_4136.JPG Overall event winner UWA (western australia) http://evilengineering.com/gallery/d/24854-2/IMG_4626.JPG http://evilengineering.com/gallery/d/24905-2/IMG_5379.JPG http://evilengineering.com/gallery/d/24773-2/IMG_3882.JPG Stuttgart (Germany) finished 2nd overall http://evilengineering.com/gallery/d/24776-2/IMG_3957.JPG http://evilengineering.com/gallery/d/24779-2/IMG_4021.JPG Wisconsin was the top finishing US team with an overall 4th place finish
  23. does wd-40 help when you 'break' things often?
  24. yea, other than some engine problems of our own at autox which cost us points and starting position, we did well. I am not sure about OSU really, I drove up friday evening, and was only at the track Saturday, never had an opportunity to talk to the OSU guys myself, but you can find the results for each race on SAE's website. Also, dont tell me victoria finally died, she has been a champ for YEARS.
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