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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. Greg, since you asked for it, when I get off my phone and on a pc, I will gladly school you. [insert "challenge accepted" image here]
  2. I could care less what the reason was... I'm sure it was valid, but the fact, not opinion, is that OSU originally wanted out. You brOSU guys can deny it all you want, but OSU has had the notorious reputation of scheduling cupcake non-conference games for decades, while most other big programs seem to have 'more' big non-conference games... I am glad Urban and OSU seem to be trying to change that, but for the fans to criticize Vandy for backing out is incredibly hypocritical.
  3. Yup, it's just that simple. I'm totally voting for you if you run for treasurer. BTW nice way to settle on the 1960s definition, instead of the multi-input they use today. Furthermore, the immediate printing of money isn't just the hyperinflation, it's what triggers it. The upset of supply and demand becomes the issue. The dollar becomes worthless. You make the same wage but it now costs $20 for a loaf of bread. (Exaggeration to make a point) BTW, how in the eff did you get 10%? Do you know what the current rate of printing new money is?
  4. You're slow at catching up, I conceded a page ago that I was wrong initially on the second change (from 2012 to 2018)... Dodus above is still arguing that the initial opt out wasn't OSU trying to get out of it.
  5. ONLY 1/16th???? surely no srs? Wait.... srsly? Hold on... I think you're srs... :dumb: Its called hyperinflation... Germany did it after WW1 and the post-soviet empire did it, look what history tells when you print a giant amount of money in a time of financial instability.
  6. Yes, he really is... what a weird dude.
  7. You are so dumb it hurts... am I talking to a brick wall? Let me try to break it down for you YEAR 2008: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/13640-ohio-state-football-buckeyes-snake-out-of-road-game OSU DIDNT WANT TO PLAY UC... UC negotiates to keep game, but played in Columbus instead of Cincinnati. Year 2011: BE turmoil ensues, game with TCU needs to be scheduled, so UC asks OSU to move to 2018, which they agree. TCU backs out of BE, but OSU/UC decide to leave as is, and UC finds another game instead. So stop twisting what happened to make it like UC tried to get out of it from the go... when it was the other way around. Footnote fact version: -2008, OSU wants to get out of 2012 game with UC (for unknown reason, bleacher report says its because UC is on the rise and OSU wanted a softer opening schedule) -2008, UC says "hey we still want to play" negotiates with OSU to keep game, but moved from cincinnati to columbus so OSU can retain home field advantage.... all is well with the world. -2011, BE turmoil ensues, UC asks OSU to move game to 2018 so they can complete their realignments needed for a 2012 schedule. OSU sees UCF available agrees, and the game jumps.
  8. Or until China demands their money and/or we just become the North American People's Republic of China....
  9. On a side note, I was down at UC campus last week, in Dubois Bookstore, and I saw some shirts/stuff with that on it... I lol'd.... :lolguy: I'm doing exactly what I didnt want to do, and getting pulled into another OSU vs. UC argument.... I was just wanting to point out that it is hypocritical to critisize Vandy for pulling out of a game, when OSU does, and has done, the same thing.
  10. Look at the date of your article, and look at hte date of hte one I posted. TCU didnt even announce they 'might' join the BE until last year, the whole BE turmoil started last year... the moving of hte game on 2012, happened in 2008.... which is when hte article I posted is from. However, the date change from 2012 to 2018, could be from UC's end... but the initial change of from being at UC to OSU, was NOT because UC needed the money, or wanted it done. And as i said, in FACT OSU originally wanted to opt out of hte game all together. And you're going to question my source (bleacher report), but then put up one that is completely biased toward OSU :dumb: Furthermore, I didn't GET my facts from that story.. I stated them before I even found that story, then found a source from a quick search and posted a cited source.... You're trying to insult the intelligence of someone, who I might say, is pretty smart.
  11. :dumb: :dumb: :dumb: :dumb: Read above.... I am stating facts, and your kidding yourself trying to make up reasons why it happened, taking blame off OSU.... Do I think UC has a chance now? Nope, not really... but on the rise they were at the time, they sure as hell could have had a chance. Furthermore, the game was going to be at Paul Brown, not tiny Nippert. You know, where UC gave OSU a heart attack almost losing in 2004, had it not been through the fingertips of a bad reciever in the endzone... (granted they gave UC a beating in 2006 in Columbus)
  12. Found it.... http://bleacherreport.com/articles/13640-ohio-state-football-buckeyes-snake-out-of-road-game regardless of the bias in the article... it is a FACT that OSU backed out, NOT UC. In another note, god damn, that is why I loved Brian Kelly before he stabbed me in the back and broke my football heart... "Fuck you OSU, we will play you anytime, anywhere, even in a damn parking lot if need be"
  13. No, they did not approach OSU about it, due to BE issues. the deal to move/cancel the game happened in 2008 (the same year that hte bearcats ended up going 13-0. 3 years before the BE turmoil began... So don't kid yourself. I even remember there being a bleacher report about it, bashing OSU...
  14. http://static.quickmeme.com/media/social/qm.gif
  15. I know, just saying... They scheduled to play UC in Cincinnati in 2012, deal made in 2003, when the Bearcats were mediocre at best.... then UC started becoming better, and they decided in 2008 to first cancel the game but after a lot of negotiating, they wouldnt play in Cincinnati and paid UC $1M to move the game to Columbus.... then UC got even better, and OSU decided to cancel the game, and replace UC with UCF this year. (I guess they technically moved the game to 2016) the only point I am making is, OSU does it too, why get bitter and bash Vandy? And before you give a reason (which may be valid) on why OSU backed out and moved the game, consider that Vandy may as well... Just dont be a hypocrite.
  16. Kinda like OSU backed out on UC the last 2 games we were suppose to have. Now that we are not that good anymore, they want to play again. lol (Not trying to stir shit, just find it funny several of you complaining that a BCS school backed out playing another non-conference BCS school, when OSU has done it several times too)
  17. It's amazing to me at all the places I have seen this, Johnson is the leader... Makes me think if he were in the news and at the debates, he would have a landslide win... I said this before about the Libertarian in disguise, Ron Paul...
  18. You side with Jill Stein 82% of hte time, you hippy! In other news, not a single candidate sides with my stance on Social Security... DISMANTLE IT!
  19. Yea, its no surprise there. Our defense really sucked that year... we went undefeated because we had the thought that we would just outscore everyone (had 502 pts for the season, averaged 447.5 yd/gm). Hell, our TD drives were 2:05 on average.. the season average was TOP of 25 mins /game... this should sound familiar.... then we lose our coach who was hte mastermind of our offense, and then go play an SEC defense.... offense struggles, defense plays like it always did... equals slaughter. EDIT: Updated statistics based on what I could find.
  20. Someone i know made an interesting comment... Instead of having voters go in and just pick the candidate... have them go in and take this quiz first, then the ballot choice would be made based on your viewpoints. Put a filter on it so if two candidates are within a certain percentage (10% or something?) then you choose between those candidates.... Or if you really really really still didnt agree, then you could go ahead and vote for someone else, since it is your right... hell it could fill the whole ballot for you, for seats as well as issues/bills.... Only in a dream world!
  21. http://www.isidewith.com/ Quiz/Poll site to show you which candidates you agree with on some of hte major issues... And my results: http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/davidmostergecom_20121024_160354.png http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/davidmostergecom_20121024_160436.png http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/davidmostergecom_20121024_161332.png http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/davidmostergecom_20121024_161505.png
  22. you think? It's pretty easy to tell, when the fluid leaks out, it stains the cradle. Wouldnt be surprised though, a notorious problem on the CTSV. I would recommend a place here in Cincy, but that would be a drive for you, I am sure.
  23. Dont take this the wrong way, but OSU playing in the NC game this year, or playing against a top SEC team, I imagine could be correlated to what happenend when UC was ranked 3rd and played Tim Tebow and Urban Meyer's FLorida team in the Sugar Bowl....
  24. Other thoughts... 1) Direct injection, you had to see this coming, its a huge improvement in combustion efficiency, which should correlate to more TQ at the engine. (since TQ is directly proportional to VE) 2) 11.5:1 CR, also good for more power, goes right along with DI. 3)square ports, this is the ideal shape for an intake port for the most part, glad to see it implemented. 4) If the LT1 is back for the base model... what are the chances of a return for the LT5 with DOHC? (crazy I know!) 5) I am interested in tuning capability. What the stock injectors can handle, and how long before upgrades to injectors and/or HP pumps are available. When/if EFI Live/HPT will have ecm tuning packages to consumers.
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