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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. BCS rankings... Big East has 3 while Big Ten has none??? WTF? RK TEAM BCS AVG 1 Alabama 0.9761 2 Florida 0.9092 3 Oregon 0.8993 4 Kansas State 0.8963 5 Notre Dame 0.8774 6 LSU 0.7522 7 South Carolina 0.693 8 Oregon State 0.6808 9 Oklahoma 0.6664 10 USC 0.5959 11 Georgia 0.498 12 Mississippi State 0.4846 13 West Virginia 0.4793 14 Florida State 0.4277 15 Rutgers 0.4083 16 Louisville 0.4061 17 Texas Tech 0.3572 18 Texas A&M 0.3379 19 Clemson 0.3341 20 Stanford 0.2654 21 Cincinnati 0.2483 22 Boise State 0.1978 23 TCU 0.1377 24 Iowa State 0.1139 25 Texas 0.064
  2. Might have been from my trash... I blow my nose with $100 bills.
  3. And the 3 undefeated Ohio schools remain...
  4. Every time I hear his name I think of Ace Ventura...
  5. Oh, forgot to add, the reason we were playing Fordham, was they were the last minute fill-in to replace TCU after they backed out of the BE. And another weird fact: Fordham and UC are the two oldest college football programs, Fordham being the oldest, though they stopped playing football for a few decades till 1989, lol
  6. It was crazy, but it was very obvious that Fordham came to play and UC hadn't. They looked more physical in the first half, were more aggressive on the ball on both sides of it; bullied the UC players, got under their skin. Half time was like 14-6... And our defense got one of those TDs on the opening drive, but only after Fordham had gotten the ball down to the 10 yard line before coughing it up. Then the second half, from the first snap it was like the bearcats punched back right in the mouth and the game was over for Fordham... The bearcats CAN'T start like that against Toledo , let alone a BE foe...
  7. And I am worried about my bearcats against Toledo actually. UC played lazy and sloppy the first half against Fordham(?!?!). But thankfully an ass reaming at half time (I imagine) made them wake up. And I am REALLY concerned how they will look against lville/uconn/Rutgers if they don't shape it up on offense. We just don't have a caliber QB... I think if we did we would rival the 2009 team. The receivers are great, the o-line is great, but legeux just doesn't have the accuracy/consistency.
  8. WVU finally found out what happens when you play a good defense it turns out... That or the offense just slept today... And the defense still sucks.
  9. neat? just teasing... I mean it's no UC campus or anything http://www.aashe.org/files/resources/campus_awards/UC%20aerial_0.jpg
  10. JuicedH22


    How many millionaires do you know? No to me, 'those' democrats dont vote, the ones that vote to me are "liberal hippys" lol.... overusing the word 'equality'... I will say I leaned slightly left when I was younger, but as I age I lean further right fiscally. I would say I am a fiscal conservative, and have some left leaning social views. (for example, I am pro-choice, but dont think the govt should pay for any type of abortion, all of health care belongs in the private sector). There's the famous saying... “If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain." Funny how that seems to be working out for me, hahaha.
  11. JuicedH22


    Do you know why the democrats plan is to attack the r/r plan instead of say what they will do? Or even go into any detail on what they have done? There is no way around it, the economy has not recovered under their lead, they hide unemployment numbers by ignoring the reduction is due to Americans who have given up and no longer hunting... Reliance on govt has skyrocketed (see # of people on food stamps/ govt support) debt has gone through the roof (mostly from the 111th congress), and foreign affairs is horrendous. I think the thing that irritated me the most during the debate was Biden saying they have "repaired our alliances" while arguing foreign affairs. Anyone with a brain and paying attention to world affairs had to say "what?!??!?!?!?!?!" That was the most bold lie ever said, that or he is smoking crack. Definitely the statement that irritated me the most.
  12. JuicedH22


    This is why the other guy is the only guy who can intellectually argue for the democrats.. The above is loaded with BS, and regurgitated propaganda shit... The 14% tax thing... At one point Biden said it was the "47%" who paid more than him in taxes.... This is both false from a percentage point and obviously from a dollars point... For the second time, the "47%" pays a very SMALL percentage in taxes, much none at all. Biden and the liberals like to smear that to play on ignorant people's emotions, the guy I quoted above clearly had his emotions stirred instead of his head.
  13. It's great to be a cincinnatian....
  14. JuicedH22


    I kinda like Ryan
  15. JuicedH22


    Follow that up with "one term proposition"
  16. JuicedH22


    Not all hte candidates have been that way.... Do some reading up on Ron Paul.... He tried running as a republican, but the republican party is too full of pompous jackasses, and he didnt win the primary... People kept saying his ideas were "too radical"... but in reality he said a lot of hte same things the other candidates did, except he actually put REAL numbers and FACTS to what he wsa going to do, not just hand waving.... Unfortunately, the VAST majority of people are ignorant to the fact they ahve more than 2 options, and the VAST majority of people only know what htey see on TV, which is dominated by two extremely well financed parties... Otherwise I guarantee this would be a completely different race.
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