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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. Thanks Jones, you can be my Don King any day And I would never daily a stalled auto big turbo dsm either... But on the other end, I know it is a bigger PITA to daily a big cam, quick grab and/or heavy clutch, manual trans car while sitting in rush hour traffic... Fucking horrible... My left leg got much stronger thang right though...
  2. JuicedH22

    True Debt

    One of my few liberal friends was bitching on FB about how part time employees should get health care benefits... It gave me a headache trying to explain why that was such a horrible idea. I face palmed at "it's not like they pay for it, it comes out of [the employee's] paycheck"
  3. It's bone stock. And how fast where? 1/4 mile, street, Putnam, Nelson, WG? You're barking up the wrong tree "boss"
  4. JuicedH22

    True Debt

    No, I tend to agree with a pure economist. It upsets the natural supply/demand. Think if minimum wage is $10... Now an employer will hire less, than say he could have hired two employees for 5 an hour (or more like still two at 6-7 an hour)... Take that and put it in a macro scale... That's a LOT more employment, reducing the number of those that would otherwise be unemployed and collecting even more services... "But that's not enough to live on" you say... I would argue that the increased number of those employed would increase the demand for goods and services, the increase in employees allows for an increase in supply, both increases result in prices to drop, reducing inflation, or maybe deflation, now your dollar goes further... Everyone wins... (Not nearly that straight forward or simple in reality)
  5. Actually, if you could pull this off, and the girl is fuckable, this would be brilliant, hahaha
  6. You don't consider racing in a straight line fun because you have never done it in anything fast enough for it to be fun. And before you ricer me with "in the twisties" comments, you're talking to someone who most likely would roast hour asshole there as well.
  7. I whole heartedly disagree... It depends on what you're doing. An auto drag car can be just as fun (in fact moreso as it is one less frustration in a very fast car) especially if you're drag racing at a high level... Or a serious bracket racer...
  8. Considering some of the fastest drag racing DSMs in the country are automatic, yes you do need to explain why it's dumb... I will wait.
  9. What forevermaker said... Adding in, never talk to ex or her loser friends again
  10. JuicedH22

    True Debt

    For the record, I dont agree with minimum wage either... as it actually hurts employment...
  11. JuicedH22

    True Debt

    I think this is where i get my cynicism from, in college, walking by a group of newly built section 8 housing, looking in and seeing big screen TVs, playing video games, their much nicer cars out front with expensive sound systems and 20+" chrome wheels.... but they couldnt afford housing? or food? And hearing the stories from cop friends about when their children are being taken away, they are screaming mad/upset about losing the PAYCHECK, not the child... My friend's sister in law who abuses planned parenthood to aid her in being lazy and immature.... and it goes on and on and on... The people that abuse these systems vastly outnumber the people who use them responsibly based on what I have seen... Social security.... it was never meant to be someone's 401k retirement package. It was implemented to aid those who were too old to hold gainful employment any longer, and when life expectancy was mUCH shorter... It was designed to help elderly survive a few years until they passed away, as crass as that sounds....
  12. JuicedH22

    True Debt

    I think its "complete bullshit" when people who dont understand how our tax system works, they blame the tax percentage of high earners as the problem.... especially when it doesnt solve the problem..
  13. ATS is 3630 AWD, and 3460 RWD, G8 is 3880 for the v6... so lets not exaggerate... Sure you can get a loaded v8 GT for 4000lbs... Furthermore, lets talk size.... and we will use the important part of wheel base and track width... Wheel Base G8: 114.8 ATS: 109.3 Track Width F/R G8: 62.7/63.3 ATS: 59.5/60.9 So it is a whopping 5" shorter on wheel base, and 3" narrower... yea, it is so much smaller.... But to the point made, it is more than I thought it was still, so I can see the gap.
  14. I actually like them, remind me of refined/modern countach wheels....
  15. Alright, how in the fawk do you know that? How can you demonstrate that you didnt look that up. I gather that Bravo only knows several because he has been asked this trivia question in the past.
  16. no seriously, I have noticed, watch. I hit hte "submit reply" ONCE, and when the "glitch" happens, it seems the post gets hung up for awhile, and once it posts, there are two of them...
  17. well, hitting hte button twenty times didnt help that time, haha
  18. ^ beat you! After that, I couldnt help myself, I had to look it up to see how many. A lot more than I thought!
  19. Oh! just thought of a couple others, NC state wolfpack (where my brother goes to school) and not sure how I didnt think of it to begin with, but Syracuse Orange...
  20. fucking double post glitch... Side note, I didnt do it this time (and should have) but I found if you hit the submit post button several times, it wont double post as I think the "duplicate post" function is activated....
  21. Oh and East Carolina is a decent C-USA team... they did beat Boise State in a bowl game in 2007, and beat Virginia Tech in 2008, though I am sure a lot of that credit goes to Skip Holtz... But its Big East for you, stealing from (now other) mid majors to fill the conference....
  22. uhhh, what on earth makes you think this will be much, if any, smaller than the g8 platform?
  23. JuicedH22

    True Debt

    No, they delay an inevitable collapse of the nation. It is foolish to think otherwise. And when the nation collapses, that day will be MUCH worse than a planned, staged reduction in these life sucking programs.
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