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Everything posted by 98fiveseven1647545503

  1. stop making pointless thread foo
  2. Te...Teq Tequilla is bad scotty :-p What time should I get some beer for Saturday I have a detail in the morning and Maybe more Idk.
  3. I would be in if it wasn't the day/weekend of my annual party. After I get my chain and sprocket set im down!
  4. We ban people who sign up to sell something then are gone why not ban him because he doesnt want to use the forum but to buy stuff. Isn't that what ebay is for.
  5. I would ban him because he responded here before he did an introduction?
  6. Front Street http://www.claddaghirishpubs.com/locations.php
  7. Strongbow is on tap at Claddagh as is becks,bass,guiness,new castle and more
  8. wtf were you trying to accomplish with this odd word structure?
  9. Claddagh 12-13 brands on tap!
  10. I can't get the expansion till the earliest of Friday, somebody host a regular game
  11. That tells me if a i want to click Ladder or not. I need to get the expansion (which one) and ladder is only choice
  12. Do we want a Ladder character?
  13. damn how much is the expansion? I miss Diablo II
  14. 27th because there a a few people going to be in marysville the 21st :-p
  15. Can we tune my car some Oil pressure? Since everything in my hands is done to correct it IE new oil pump and sensor pick up tube o-rings and yea.
  16. let me check in the garage John I may have 1 or 2 you can have.
  17. Why didn't you get to race the super stang last night?
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