Purchased a 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt Supercharged SS from them 8-21-07...
Fast fwd 30 days , expired temp tag and no memorandum title or my lien holder with the actual title. I call up leave a Voice mail and nothing. I look up Ohio Revised Code on this situation. (4505.181) and find out they have 40 days to deliver a title in MY name. I called on the 39th day to figure out the deal. 15 TIMES. No returned calls from any of my voicemails. They claim to not know who I was even after I was left a voicemail. (My V-mail greeting states first and last name).
I go in the 41st day with intentions of returning the car due to delinquency on their end of the deal. Mike Carr, the General Manager of the W. Broad location calls up his title lady immediately to find THEY received the title on Sept. 28 and it was still NOT in THEIR name. Once I told him of my intentions to return the car since they failed to provide a title in my name by the deadline set by our state officials, He became Very rude and almost belligerent. I handed him the print out I had and he refused to review it, read it or have anything to do with it. Telling me the only way this will ever be discussed is with him and "my" attorney. It just so happens that the Attorney General's office enforces the ORC. I contact the office to tell them my situation and they take the vitals. Come to find out that the VIN number on my bill of sale and all of my paper work does not match the VIN number on the VIN plate on my car. She verifies I wish to return the car due to their failure and I confirm. I later return the car that evening to find out he is ever more so rude and unpleasant.
I returned the car in better condition then I received it (shifter knob warranty fixed). I hand him the keys and ask for written proof that they have taken possession of the car. He retorts ever so rudely that he wouldn't give me the time of day, and how much they have done to help me and it is all my fault. I politely told him you failed to deliver the title by the deadline set by the state in which he is licensed to sell cars in so it was actually his fault. I then proceeded to video them with the car at the dealership to prove they had taken possession of the vehicle. I also notified my loan officer’s voice mail immediately to disclose the situation.
I signed paper to receive my payment(s) made on the car today and it is all settled so a Big F-U to Mike Carr, General Manager at Bobby Layman.