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Everything posted by 98fiveseven1647545503

  1. damnit... new pump in and no psi AGAIN..... oil galley plug what?
  2. aka Leilani where the fuck were you ????
  3. Dude, you beat linn to it. Run home and get on the board like that sheessh Linn also posts some of the best videos. So make sure you check all of them out!
  4. I'm an oil pump away from pulling ya down the high way john only because No one else seems like they will have guts to call you out .... and its not just because my car doesn't remember how to build pressure either. I just hope I can get enough spray to keep up
  5. what brand clutch? have you tried the Drill mod? Are you 110% positive the trans is good and well? Will it go into 4th gear with the car NOT running? (statically)
  6. i didint click all the links but there was only one that I would classify as an ugly fat chick....
  7. sexy car congrats on coming to the right side!
  8. QFMFT!! We just need to make sure Big steve can show up early to do some minor policing! OR get scotty to bring his little friend.
  9. BC is just skurrded that when a certain black camaro is sitting on on all fours he is going to get embarrassed just wait BC I gotcha number and V8Beast will turn into a V8Feast :-p Dart>AFR
  10. i think they discontinued the NXT wash! I havent been able to find it anywhere and just got gold class.
  11. We had locked in $50 before this thread even spawned. So $50 it is .
  12. Oh boy. When this damn car gets finished you know I want in for this
  13. very very basic job its like 10 bolts (off the head guess) and 3 couplers and 1 vacuum hose and 1 hose to the master cyl (vacuum i believe) Hell I can have my intake off the car in like 5-10 minutes just make sure ALL couplers are disconnected!
  14. He looked at my car and gave it 25hp, then he touched the diagnostic port and made Chuck Norris cry.
  15. I was in bed with a chick in the bexley area by this time
  16. ALSO: Be very CAREFUL when removing the harness off of the sensor(s) it self. The plastic has become very very brittle of the years on these car and it is nothing for it to break. GM p/n:15320925 which is also the AC Delco p/n as well. Go ahead ask me how I know Make sure you or a friend has a IN LB torque wrench to properly torque down the intake and I believe that right up tells you you can re-use the gaskets on the intake. :woowoo:
  17. http://www.fhm.com/site/content/article.aspx?ID=16382
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