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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. I want a blue 12ft. tall girl now for some reason
  2. My kid banged up the front of her stang' and I had a shop in Westerville give me a quote of about $2300.00, geico had the car looked at down at their own place, and then called the shop in westerville, all of a sudden that shop wants to fix the car for what geico said it should be. $800.00. I told them both to go to hell, dam crooks. State Farm FTW.
  3. Sorry to clutter up your thread with some things that probably didn't belong in it, I guess I'll just agree to disagree with those who just dont get my viewpoint.
  4. If your life is so important why bother saying anythig more..................you bore me.
  5. We dont live in the same world obviously, Cam's been harrased twice this summer by the Minerva park cops, for no other reason than driving while black in a nice car. The second time a Franklin Cty. Sherrif rolled up on the stop, and told them to impound the car because his rear tires didn't have enough tread on them, and the tires were a hazzard, total BS that my lawyer had a field day with. So dont give me "what the hell am I worried about" I worry about driving past every cop I see, hoping he's not having a shitty day. A problem you probably will never have to worry about.
  6. Originally Posted by tbutera2112 rear spoiler is $300-$500 to the right buyer mirrors are a few hundred bumpers are $300+ each IRS is a grand brakes are 300-400 hood is worth a good bit too side skirts gauges trans is big money Between, SVTP, Modularfords, and The Coral, those parts would be gone in 2 days flat, AT those prices. he could probably make out a little better on Ebay.
  7. I know you said the seats were fucked up, but how bad is the rest of the interior, Cam may be interested.
  8. He never should have gotten married in the first place, then no one would really give a fuck how many women he's screwing, he's an idiot.
  9. A white guy profiled in a black neighborhood, that has got to be the funniest shit I've heard in awhile. You got stopped because you ran a stop sign, no other reason, hell he probably thought you were lost.
  10. I see PDQGP and Truckin have nothing to say about this scenareo. Typical, but like you said Tim, profiling works. Could someone explain to me what worked here? I must have missed something, Oh wait its that dammed "Race" card again. Shame on me for puttin down every fine upstanding LEO. I have never raced from a stoplight, nor would I. I'm not in a rush to get anyone killed. Maybe I led you fine gentleman from my EXAMPLE situation above to believe I'm bitching about a law going into effect that will stop me from having fun at the expense of others. This is not what I am saying, nor did I. V8beast said it best. I'm sorry you wasted your precious time, good luck with all the other worries in your life. Me and my big bad Cobra are now going to continue to help make sure this law goes on the book the right way, so maybe one day no LEO having a bad day see fit to Fuck with you because he can.
  11. Good read here. http://www.semasan.com/main/main.aspx?id=61682
  12. Like Hal said, you not getting this too well. If this bill passes the way it is right now, you could be instantly be profiled by LEO's. In the example I posted above what proof do I have that it was not me in my car doing the burnout, but the rich kid in daddy car, who he let get away because he automatically assumed I was the guilty party, and wouldn't know a 600hp mercedes from a 200hp one? Dude, you ignorance cracks me up, If this bill passes as is, everyone that drives a sports/muscle car could get an instant lesson of what in short will amount to nothing but racial profiling.
  13. Here's a side for you. Me in my Cobra at a stop light, and some spoiled rich kid in his daddys 600hp Mercedes S-65 AMG, he lights them up, and I laugh at him, and watch him take off, oops there's a cop in the parking lot we just passed, who gonna get stopped here? Him? I dont think so.
  14. Since you dont know me, let me tell you who I am. I'm a motherfucker who likes to drive his car and hang out with friends. (not you apparently) Who told you I drive like a jackass? Oh, wait I forgot , you dont know me, if you did, you'd know a little better. I'm 40 with 3 kids and a grandaughter, and IF anything like this ever happened I would be very thankfull that they lived to take another breath. Would I go after those involved, of course. Would I try to have a bill passed that gives every cop in state a free pass to fuck with me because of the car I drive, I dont think so. My reality is this. Life happens, and tomorrow is not promised to anyone. I am not one of the motherfuckers involved, so I dont need to be burned to the ground. So, if my statements piss you off, why dont you just dig a little deeper, and maybe you'll find the right words, and if you dont have the time for that, just fuck-off.
  15. He adopted/moved in with a fulltime girlfriend, he's fucked, lol. Rob, we just want to get it running right so we can run around to some races and stuff next year. I want to iron out the electrical issues first, then pull the heads. What kind of pricing can you do on TF heads?
  16. Bullshit........ I'm not gonna let some pissed off mom and dad ruin what I love to do, which is just drive my car around, and spend time with my friends. Not street race. They should feel lucky their daughter is still alive. Street racing has been illegal, and going on all over this country for over 50 years, this bill is not going to make it go away. Period. Having said that, I'm all for the bill with modifications that dont give a cop having a bad day reason to try and make my life harder than it already is.
  17. Lol, he's driving his x-mas present from me.
  18. I'll punch him once for you too.
  19. And "the truth" shall get you punched. edit: he just walked in the door, time to go beat him up for the week.
  20. No care your only 20....................... None of this makes a difference, we'll all buy a nice looking loud car and start it up in our driveway, and be labled "street racers". Bye-bye car.
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