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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. How many miles you got on that thing anyway?
  2. Maybe, but I could have mine up and running in a couple of hours if I wanted to.
  3. I love getting roadhead at 120....double rush.
  4. Impressive, I didn't think 60lb injectors would support that much power.
  5. Which KB was he using, 2.6 or 2.8? What other mods does he have on the car?
  6. Fucking idiot, he needs a good old fashion beat down.
  7. I dont see how I proved any point you made, you made a comment about your life, I made one about mine. I have no chip on my shoulder about anything, sorry you see it that way. Racist assholes do not affect me in any other way than the fact that I feel sorry for them and the way they were apparently raised. I do see VERY clearly now why you feel the way you do. You got pushed around on a bad side of town, sorry for you, I see the bad experiences of your life have followed you, and colored your perception of this country in general. Being black in Hawaii???? WTF does that have to do with anything? Your reaching now. Two more things, I dont knuckle under for a dam thing, and never will. Pitty party, from your last post it seems to me that your the one who needs it.
  8. I am black, (and Mexican)so yes I can comment, and I dont have a "touch" of anything except the history of this country. I dont blame the people of today for the actions of people 100 yeras ago either. I do think however I'm entitled to have a attitude when I can go through certain sections of THIS city and hear "Nig*er lover" shouted out to me and my group of "white" friends walking down the fucking street. 150 years ago? Try last month, and no, I dont let things like this "Hold me back" either. It's kinda hard to "Move on" like you say, when SOME people will not allow it. If you want to turn this into a race argument, fine, lets do it. At this point in my life I could care less about how many laws have been passed in a 100 years that "limit" my freedoms. If YOU dont like this country, leave, no ones making you stay. So what you went to mostly black school and had a hard time, I'm sure that today in 2009, being given a hard time because your white its not that big of a problem.
  9. V8KILR, it seems you have an answer for everthing, so maybe you should get off the keyboard, and go run for office. Or better yet go hide in the basement with some firearms and wait for our new socialistic/communistic govt. come take you away. One more thing dont ever compare your Irish history to my African history, they will never be close to being equal.
  10. I was looking at his fuel set-up's, they look like good stuff.
  11. Kurt B.


    Dam, forget a "p" and you get called out.
  12. That the same shit they had on the 03's when they came out. I'm surprised its only $5k. The Shelby's had a $10k mark up on them when they first came out.
  13. V8KILR, you wern't alive 100 yrs ago, so I'm not sure what freedoms your associating yourself with, and in 1909 my family had NO fredoms, and had watch over their shoulder everywhere they went, so watch out how you swing that "WE" statement around. Mike, I guess you could consider me a liberal if you want, it dont bother me none. But we do agree on one thing, get the illegals out of this country, and I wont have to worry about paying their bills, period. Personally I'm all for an armed border, and deportation. Copperhead, I wonder what you would have to complain about if a Dem. wasn't your president?
  14. Kurt B.


    Shit, its 9/10, and were still here, I'm disapointed.....................
  15. Well I guess it time to roll out the gulags, and the concentration camps. This country is done, V8KILR I guess I'll see you in Mexico....Meh................... Some of you people are really laughably paranoid. Bush runs the country into the ground, and you say Obama is the next coming of Hitler in under a year, amazing.
  16. I mentioned the color thing because for SOME people this is what it boils down to, and "they" will use any action this man does to create drama. It is unbelievable that anyone would have to make this much of a fuss over the president speaking to your kids. Would you keep them home from school if he decided to pop up for a visit too? Ignorant ass's period. Presidnets have been speaking to the young since there have been presidents, and this is the first time in my life, that I have ever heard the word "brainwashing" associated with a speech from one. Killjoy, I agree with your statements %100.
  17. Sad to say it boils down to this for some people, if your not mad that your candidate lost, your mad because you have a half black president. Reagan gave a similar speech when he was president, I remember it, and I dont remember ANY B.S. surrounding it. Let the man screw up first, then you will have legit reasons to be undercover prejudice assholes.
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