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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. Once upon a time it was a real event to watch the president on TV in school (Ask your parents, or theirs) It wasn't a big fucking deal, and no one got brainwashed because of it (Again, ask your parents) The big fuss being made about all this is really disappointing on whole as a society.
  2. Kurt B.

    Last day

    The wedding was beautifull, and they both looked great. Good luck you two.
  3. I'll give him $6.50 for it, fucking piece of junk.
  4. Sorry I guess I needed to clarify that one, I was actually talking about the regular Shelby Mustangs that were being made, not the GT500's
  5. Shelby, Saleen, Roush, they can all suck a dick. I will be the first to appreciate them for what they have all done for Ford, and the Mustang in general, but come on, this is just greed, plain and simple. Shelby does this shit because he can. I've been to his factory out in Vegas, nice place, but seriously, to take a $25k GT, throw some shocks, springs, and a body kit on it and have the nerve to charge $15k over sticker? Capitalism at its best.
  6. http://www.spokentorque.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1517
  7. Whats your price on the SC, just curious.
  8. Got those pics, I may have someone interested.
  9. Thanks DK, I let the guy know I wasn't shipping them, if he wanted to come and get them that was fine. Rob, Cams on his own as far as the car is concerned now, if he wants to screw it up, this is how he will learn all of the lessons about cars that we already learned, its no big deal to me anymore. And I dont pay up front no more.
  10. Lowballer, Wease what did you replace them with.
  11. Kurt B.


    Thats funny, the bike landed on the roof, and he didn't.
  12. I thought maybe some weight jacker LCA's would solve his problem.
  13. 18x9/18x10 Black Chrome FR500 rims, new condition, the front tires are shot, the rears are not included in the sale. $700.00 http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m291/bond99/Picture009.jpg http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m291/bond99/Picture012.jpg http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m291/bond99/Picture010.jpg
  14. Channel 10 sucks, always has, always will.
  15. I told him he's gonna regret lowering it this much one day, if cracks that paint I'm gonna kill him. I dont care if it is his car.
  16. Hal's getting married on the 5th, the NMRA is in town on the 5th, and now this. I already didn't know what I was going to do. Thanks Rob.
  17. Mike, I know how you are about your car, so it dosent surprise me that you did this, the guy way over reacted IMO. What does surprise me is that you posted this up on THIS board, knowing (I hope) that the douche bag patrol would tear into you.
  18. Crossle, I get your point, and your right to an extent, me and Cam were just a little pissed that the Franklin Cty sherrif was being a dick about them, and he didn't even stop, or ticket Cam for them, Minerva Park stopped him for a light violation and wasn't even thinking about his tires until the FCS showed up and left.
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