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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. Kurt B.


  2. After having had 6 of these cars, its something you get used to, and learn to control.
  3. What was wrong with the clear-bra? I was thinking about one of those for the boys car.
  4. Sam is a dick, Linn is a dick, Howard is a dick, and Phill, well he's just gay. That enough shit talking for you?
  5. Sorry to hear about this Shanton. On the plus side, you wont have to worry about me dragging you down the track in Cam's car now...........
  6. I agree, there are some people on her that take this whole site way too seriously, its the internet, if you dont like what's said, get over it, or dont turn on your computer.
  7. No, the thread is Ok, Sam's gay.
  8. I'd jump all over this if I had the cash, good luck with the sale.
  9. Works for me, if someone raped my daughter a cut off dick would be the least of their worries, I say he got off light.
  10. Its not the Dark side, its the RIGHT side. Nice color.......
  11. Kurt B.


    I'm amazed they haven't kicked everyone out yet.
  12. Kurt B.

    Mustang Parts

    Pics of the center console?
  13. Get mine too if you find out.............
  14. This is stupid. It wont bring George back. It will not help the woman injured. Someone tell me who wins here? Charge Brandon with street racing and call it a day. Too much pain has been had here on all sides. This trial is a gross waste of my tax dollars. Bunch of God Dam idiots.
  15. Its funny to hear how everyone dad taught them this and that. My father could strip a car down the sheet metal, rebuild it, and put it back together alone. Did he teach me anything, no. He was the service manager for Graham Ford for about 20 years and wanted me to have nothing to do with cars. When I asked him about fixing mine he said go buy a book. So I did.
  16. I think I have one in the garage, I dont know if it works or not, but you can have it if you want it, no charge.
  17. Dumb ass, ignorant, (insert racial slur here!) bullshit! Makes me ashamed to be black
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