Since you dont know me, let me tell you who I am. I'm a motherfucker who likes to drive his car and hang out with friends. (not you apparently) Who told you I drive like a jackass? Oh, wait I forgot , you dont know me, if you did, you'd know a little better. I'm 40 with 3 kids and a grandaughter, and IF anything like this ever happened I would be very thankfull that they lived to take another breath. Would I go after those involved, of course. Would I try to have a bill passed that gives every cop in state a free pass to fuck with me because of the car I drive, I dont think so. My reality is this. Life happens, and tomorrow is not promised to anyone.
I am not one of the motherfuckers involved, so I dont need to be burned to the ground.
So, if my statements piss you off, why dont you just dig a little deeper, and maybe you'll find the right words, and if you dont have the time for that, just fuck-off.