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Everything posted by wnaplay1647545503

  1. That was the code for both I believe. I was never into contra that much. I will have to dig out the old nintendo to verify later.
  2. I wonder if the up up down down left right left right ba ba select start will get you directly to tyson. Thats all I remember of the code.
  3. Thats cool dude. I dont include religion in my life but for some reason I always like people that do.
  4. The last time I was at a gm plant alot of the guys had an opinion that this is the solution to break up the union, and force out older employees who are at retirement age.
  5. Anthony asked for serious responses to a problem he is tired of dealing with. As a friend and a user of the board, I take it very serious to try and come up with a solution by bringing the problems I see to light. I am surprised that every post in here doesnt do that. I take responsibility for this going astray and apologized for that. For those that dont know Anthony, he's not bs'ing about how he takes this personally. And from talking with BC he doesnt either.
  6. Walker or wheelchair take your pick. Not for you, you live across the street.
  7. And I am on here more than anybody at this point. Luck of the draw I guess. Anyone want to trade places? No different than Ben when he was in an accident.
  8. Postwhore wow. I am sorry my posts arent one liners so you can keep up. Its funny how you try to be cool in pm's then run your mouth on the forum. Miller is pissed because I made a comment about him drunk posting now hes calling for a ban. Tyler look at your post count vs. mine vs. years. Do any of you really want to put your record up against mine for who offers more to cr and its members. And Phil fuck you:cool: No more rides for you.
  9. Thats funny. Yes please ban me. The funny part is you say ban without any reasoning and I keep getting guys pm'ing me and agreeing with what I say.
  10. TYler are you serious? This is a discussion. Thats where people talk together. And in this particular discission we are trying to come up with a solution and a remedy. Thats how a discussion works. One person comments and then the next. Perhaps this should be a comment board instead of a forum. I really am interetsed in you view point on this so have an opinion instead of just a comment. Here this is even better, come up with an actual solution because frankly, you have been considered one of the post whores since joining yet no matter how often pointed out by members you stay blind and keep doing it over and over.
  11. Perhaps ask who covers damage to the rims should any take place.
  12. I am not sure exactly who your inviting. Are you referring to the sponsors vs sponsors and perhaps the situation between the 2 parties involved in the closed thread?
  13. What keeps me coming back can be summed up by this movie quote. Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes. The average Howard Stern fan listens for - are you ready for this? - an hour and twenty minutes. Pig Vomit: How can that be? Researcher: Answer most commonly given? "I want to see what he'll say next." Pig Vomit: Okay, fine. But what about the people who hate Stern? Researcher: Good point. The average Stern hater listens for two and a half hours a day. Pig Vomit: But... if they hate him, why do they listen? Researcher: Most common answer? "I want to see what he'll say next." I really am afraid if I leave for a few months, I will miss something.
  14. Almost a day old already. Time flies.
  15. Not once in any thread have I tried to be anything other than kosher with you Dana yet you continue to try and either in some way put me down, in my place, show some sort of superioity over me. I mistakenly misspelled a word and you felt the need to point that out if you look hard I am sure its not the first time. Here if your so bent on telling me/proving that you are somewhat better than I am(unwarranted I might add), I will let you start by pointing out what it is that makes you so much better than I am. Then I will try to counter with something and we will continue until there is a victor. Sound good? Well, I apologized via pm stating I am sorry you have me confused with someone else. Is that an apology?
  16. Dana are you taking exception to the term receptionist? Really. Is there something wrong with being a receptionist? You wont get me to try and be derogatory with a female its not going to happen no matter how hard you try and mence words.
  17. I asked why would Rob wanting his girlfriend posting around guys. Not allow. These guys are cruel at times. Is it not a legitimate question to wonder why any man would want to put his mom, sister, daughter, wife girlfriend, in a situation to be addressed in a possibly derogatory way? I wouldnt want my wife to deal with that or put up with that. I guess I should have asked why he would have introduced her to that. From what I have gathered pics were found and made fun of or something along those lines. Is that something she should have to deal with?
  18. I cant figure out what about "hey if linn did that, it was wrong" she took offense to. I was one of the few in that thread that agrred with her and took her side.
  19. Brian I am sorry, and I really didnt want this going down this road, but I'm not sure where Dana is coming from and if anyone out there can point to where what it was she has taken offense to and can explain it to me, I would sincerely appreciate it.
  20. I think you 2 might actually be the same person. What does it matter is she owns the state of ohio? The point is what does any of us have to say before posting so she doesnt get offended when she totally misconstues a post and assumes someone is talking about her. I mean really? Any other person would have merely said "oh I am sorry, I mistook your post", but no. Now were fucking up this thread because she wants to argue womens lib.
  21. Here why dont you tell me or ask Rob why he is posting. I asked you a question, he responded. Please, please explain how this is my fault. Show me one post just one that shows where I have said anything about this hang up between women vs. men you seem to think I have. Are you not the receptionist? Is a receptionist now a derogatory term that I was unaware about. If you dont want Rob answering for you, post your replies quicker.
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