Wow, ignorant motherfucker, original. I do ride. I have rode for years. I never get on my bike without first realizing the huge risk I take should I get into an accident with a cager. I dont put as much emphasis on life and death as you apparantly do. Accidents happen. Do you honestly think that the "bitch" as you put it set out to end the life of someone that day? What if it was your mom or wife sister or daughter who made a similar mistake? It was an accident. Not "oops, oh well". I have a similar "sickness" as you put it for people who automatically blame everyone else. I am just as sure the lady involved is probably upset about what happened as well. I hardly consider kenny's name being "drug threw the mud". If in fact he was speeding would it have been okay to state that as fact or is that wrong because he was an acquantance, a friend or family. I reason to believe if the cpd investigated and said he was speeding than why would I believe any different? Any rider who gets on a bike and dont think for a second that theres a possibility that someone might turn out in front of you is nieve. I am sure kenny new the risk and probably had it happen to him before. But this was an accident. You cant blame the old lady unless she recklessly did something to cause it. I wont take offense since I am sure you are posting based on emotion. If you dont like what the media is saying then do something about it. Protest the station. Start a blog, take hostages, taking your anger out in a post on here isnt changing anything.