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Everything posted by wnaplay1647545503

  1. Yes its not that complicated a system to figure out.
  2. Whats everyone doing after the funeral?
  3. $45 each. Take em into a firestone or simialar place and ask them. They might not charge you a whole lot if your there with the parts. Call Derek at NTB.
  4. I stand by my post:cool: Reset my voicemail password.
  5. How has the system been fucking her for years? I never understand when people bitch about the government and all of us being screwed over. She payed her "insurance" premiums by paying taxes. She did what the law allowed her to do and I for one agree she is doing only what anyone who pays taxes should do in a similar situation.
  6. Newbs dont great newbs.:gtfo:
  7. I have always wondered if it is socially acceptable to go to a funeral of someone you have never met. With recent events being what they are is it something best left for family and friends? As a kid I remember my parents attending funerals of co-workers family members as a sign of support but it kinda seemed strange to me. Whats the general consensus?
  8. Depending on what kind of vette and your willingness to leave the keys inside you can use mine for free.
  9. Erik check with sam, I think he has another thread where he was ordering them.
  10. Sorry for the loss of your friend. Was Kenny married or did he have any kids?
  11. I dont remember ever meeting Kenny, but if I ever wanted to meet a cr member it would have been him. There was just something about his posts that drew me into wanting to read them. After reading his updated threads about his various projects, I often wondered what he was like. He was one of those guys you kind of create an image of in your mind even though you really have no idea what he looks like, I often found myself imagining him at work posting away. I was always impressed with the progress and drive he seemed to show on his projects, and I am not impressed very often. When I first read this, I truly felt as though someone I knew personally just passed. I am not sure how to end this. "RIP" always seems so cliche. I hope his family gets through this and to those who have lost a friend I am very, very sorry for your loss.
  12. Good luck dude yards suck. I can never get shit to grow.
  13. Iceman that bike is sick. Damn I need a new bike.
  14. http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d87/wnaplay/ff0ab68d5d7d3686.jpg
  15. I would clearly mark in the sticky that the info was pulled from other sites.
  16. Heres motorcycles. http://www.motorcyclecruiser.com/tech/wont_start/index.html
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